4 Years in a Refugee Camp

Mona is only 9-years-old, but she and her younger siblings have been refugees in Southern Lebanon for more than three years. Her family left Syria for survival after their home was destroyed by bombs.

Mona’s mom, Intisar, said, “We ran from house to house to avoid the explosions. I couldn’t bear the thought of seeing my children killed.  We came to Lebanon to save their lives.”

When CBN Reporter, Dan Reany, met Mona’s family, they told him that her father tiles floors when work is available. But he recently had a motorcycle accident, and won’t be able to work for weeks.      

Intisar said, “It was hard before, and now it’s even more difficult.   There have been many days when we had no food to eat.”

So, CBN’s Orphan’s Promise and Heart for Lebanon invited Mona’s family to our food distribution. We give them and thousands of other refugees enough food to last a whole family until next month’s distribution.

“It’s a very happy moment every time we receive the food portions,” said Intisar.  “My children love the good meals.”

Mona and her brother and sister also go to our Hope Center now, a school for refugee children where they study Math, Arabic and English in a safe, Christian environment.

Intisar said, “I’m so happy they’re in this school, because the teachers are very kind.  There is a big difference between this school and the public schools where they hit the children.”

Mona said, “I like it here a lot, because we get to learn things in a calm, quiet way and it’s much easier to focus. It’s fun.”

We also show the students Superbook in Arabic, and talk to them about the love of Jesus Christ.

“We learned that Jesus saves the world from sin and protects us,” said Mona. “I like to go home and tell my parents what I learned about the differences between good and bad things.”

Intisar explained, “I have no problem at all sending my children to a Christian school, especially since they are very happy there.  That’s so important to me.”

And kids aren’t the only people we teach.  In the middle of refugee communities where almost everybody is Muslim, we’re holding Bible studies.

“It’s really nice to know that Christians are thinking about us,” said Intisar. “I’m so thankful for all you have done.”

Mona said, “I want to thank all the wonderful people who are supporting us, and making it so we can go to this school.”

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