700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

When a Child Puts Her Faith in God...

Milani loved going to the daycare center.  But her dad couldn’t find work, and when her mom lost her job as a street sweeper, they couldn’t afford the school fees anymore.

Milani’s mother said, “Milani packed her dolls and crayons and pretended she was going to the daycare.  I would explain that I didn’t have the money to send her there. Then she would cry and It was a difficult time for all of us.”

To make matters worse, ever since Milani was a baby, she had asthma that was so bad she wound up in the hospital at least twice a month.  Her parents feared for her life, but Milani just wanted to be like the other kids.

Milani explained, “I can’t play and run like other children, because when I do, my chest hurts.”

One day when Milani and her mom were getting water, one of our social workers spotted them and invited Milani to come to Life Child, a ministry supported by CBN’s Orphan’s Promise.

 “This is my favorite place in the whole world,” said Milani.  “I love learning new things.  I can count to 30 and even write my name.  I love playing with my new friends.  We learn about Jesus, and I accepted Him into my heart.  I know that Jesus loves me, and I love Him this much.”

Milani’s mother said, “Now when times are hard Milani is the one who says, ‘Mommy, let us pray.’  That’s something we never did before.”

They prayed for Milani’s father to find a good job, and soon a door opened for him to start working as a deliveryman for a bakery.  

“I prayed with Milani about her asthma and she is much better now,” said Milani’s mother.  “It is the prayer that healed her.  It’s been more than 6 months with no incidents.”
Milani said, “I can finally run and play with my friends. I know that Jesus healed me. I am so happy.  Thank you CBN.”

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