700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

Living a Life of Faith, Building a Legacy That Will Last

“Well, I’m 90 years old. So, what did I decided? At 90 years, we celebrate life! It’s not anything better than that; I’m healthy and strong. I’m healthier now than when I was 35 years old. because I never dreamed that, you know, when I was five years old, I never thought I’d live this long, but here I am.”

Bonnie Wilkerson says a great benefit of longevity means she has more opportunities, through tithing and giving, to build on her family’s legacy of serving God. 

 “I love that thought about laying up treasures in heaven. Because in my mind, I always tell people, give your money to the Lord because it’s going straight to heaven in your bank account there. And it’s gaining interest, and who knows how much interest its gaining and we’re building His kingdom. That’s the main kingdom we want to build.”

Generations of Bonnie’s family have done just that. All of her children and grandchildren are involved in some aspect of Christian ministry. Bonnie’s father was a pastor, and her late husband John was a pastor and an evangelist.

“When we started as evangelists, it was a life of faith because evangelists don’t have a steady income. But God helped us along the way and-and supplied all of our needs all of our lives. it was so good.”

When pastoring churches, the Wilkerson’s supported missions work like the founders of Teen Challenge and YWAM.

“Every missionary that came through, we tried to feed into their ministry.”

Back in the late 1950’s Bonnie recalls meeting a young pastor in New York City named Pat Robertson.

“We had met Pat when he was on tour with Harold Bredesen. I think they were both involved in Full Gospel men’s Fellowship.”

Later, Pat founded the Christian Broadcasting Network.   

“When he first started his program I began to watch, but then later on, when I read his book, ‘Shout It From The Housetop,’ and saw his heart and how much he was willing to sacrifice and give up to follow the call on his life -- that really swayed me. But  I had already started to support the ministry and have done it ever since every month. And today I still give, since my husband passed. I’m still able to offer, and when they’re extra pleas, sometimes I move to give that too.”

As a CBN partner for nearly half a century,  Bonnie says she takes joy in being a part of God’s work around the world.

“I love their feeding programs. I love their ministry to Orphan’s Promise. It’s so good. And everything they do; you can tell they do it with their whole heart. And, the souls that are being born to Christ through their ministry every day, it’s just a – it’s miraculous. it’s so good.”

Bonnie believes that faithfulness in tithing and giving to God brings rewards that money can’t buy.

“I’m so thankful that the joy of the Lord is my strength. He daily loads me with his benefits. He gives me grace. He gives me mercy. I woke up this morning saying in peace, peace, wonderful peace, and I give God all of the glory and all of the honor! He’s been so faithful!”

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