700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

Investing in the Kingdom of Heaven

For more than twenty years, Rosalba risked her life for circus audiences around the globe, performing as a high-wire artist alongside her husband and children.

"When I do some tricks, people go, 'Uh, ah!' I enjoyed to see people uh scared, astonish what I'm doing," said Rosalba.

After decades of wowing audiences, Rosalba and her husband retired from show business. Financially, they were content — that is until, he passed away, leaving Rosalba struggling to make ends meet. As a life-long Catholic, she turned to God for help. It was then, her friend Stephen, a church member, gave her the secret to his success. 

“He says everything we have, everything we possess right now is God's. When God gives it to us to bless people...God will bless us abundantly," said Rosalba. 

He also shared about his favorite way to bless others...through the ministries of CBN.  

“He says, 'I like to invest for the kingdom of heaven...(The) 700 Club is a kingdom builder to transform people's life, communities, to help the orphans,'" said Rosalba.

Because of Stephen’s passion for CBN, Rosalba tuned into The 700 Club, a program that encouraged her faith.

"When I watch (The) 700 Club, it was helping to-to know the Lord, how to seek the Lord, how to know God. My love for God, I cannot explain it. I love God so much. He's been faithful to me. I'm very grateful to God," Rosalba said emotionally.

That’s all it took for Rosalba to fully commit her life to God.  

"When...I become Christian, I says, 'The same passion I have for my trapeze, I gonna have the same passion for my God,'" said Rosalba.

In 1997, a year after she prayed that prayer, Rosalba married Stephen and joined him as a CBN partner. Together, they blessed others through Superbook, Operation Blessing and Orphan’s Promise. Having witnessed poverty within in her home country of Colombia, Rosalba quickly fell in love with these ministries. 

"The kids go to the streets because they don't have no love, no parents. They steal. They sleep in the floors. And that touched me so much that I-I do anything to help kids. CBN bring doctors, medication. When I see the kid says, 'Thank you for what CBN do. Thank you for what people is doing for the kids.' That make me happy," said Rosalba. 

Before his passing in 2017, Stephen made one last request — that Rosalba continue his legacy of giving.

"From the bottom of my heart I want to do it. Ministries like The 700 Club, there's not another one. It's the only one. I know that I know He not gonna fail me...always God provide," said Rosalba.

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