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The 700 Club

San Diego Padres Utility Man Shares His Faith

San Diego Padres First Baseman Wil Myers - is hitting his stride as baseball’s next big achiever! Surging from - can’t miss prospect - to all-star first baseman - with that player’s coveted rare mix of speed and power.  “Growing up it always came easy to me,” Myers says, “you know training is definitely a huge factor especially once you get to this level where everyone else is just as talented. It comes down to just being able to work hard and just improve your game.”   

It took time and opportunity for Wil. Three years after his Rookie of the Year season with Tampa Bay, his career took off after arriving in San Diego. Myers attributes last year’s breakout season to a simple explanation, saying, “just being healthy again. I’ve had good years leading up until my rookie year and was hurt two years in a row. So last year was one of those things where I was just healthy again for a first full big league season. So, the most important thing for me is playing 162 games because once I can do that I know I can put up good numbers.”  

For the city of San Diego – one is the loneliest number  - after losing their only other sports franchise to recent NFL relocation! Myers is now not only the face of the Padres, but he’s the face of San Diego sports. “It’s pretty cool,” Myers says. “Kind of came to me pretty randomly but I’m excited about it, very excited about the opportunity! I think the biggest thing is don’t let it get emotional – you know – keep the emotions out of it, just go out every day and play your game. Don’t think of it as the face of San Diego sports or whatever, but it’s still the same game I played when I was five years old and it’ll be the same game until I retire.”  

With the opportunity comes humility! Myers explains, “Yeah, it’s a big deal, especially in baseball, especially with a game of failure! As soon as you get pretty cocky you’re going to fail. I’ve seen it over the years. I’ve seen how it works. But the other thing is you never want to doubt yourself. You want to be one of those guys that is confident. When you’re on the field you’ve got to think you’re the best player because that’s what it takes to put yourself in the best mindset to succeed!”

Myers is among the veterans on one of baseball’s youngest rosters! So what advantage does he gain with the opportunity? Myers responds, “I’m not sure yet, I’m gonna find out this year. But I’m very excited about this team. It’s not gonna be one of those things where I go out and try to tell everybody what to do, try to force leadership. If I can share some things along the way, I will. But I think for them, what would be best for their career is to learn from experience.”   

Wil has learned from experience! And along the way, he also confronted his faith with authenticity. His Twitter page includes the name of Jesus Christ. Myers explains, “Yeah, I’ve been a real believer since 2012. I grew up in the church but didn’t really take my faith serious, was able to be roommates in Triple-A with a guy named Terry Evans who’s now the chaplain for the Braves. He took me under his wing and showed me what it was like to be a true believer not one of those guys that kind of just claims it and doesn’t live for it. It’s a lifestyle now and you go out and live every single day for Him.  Jesus is your Lord and Savior. He’s the one who died for your sins. He’s the guide to make disciples of all nations for Him. You go out there and every time you get that voice in your head to talk about Him you just got to do it! It is tough to be a believer because you go through those times God’s asking you to do something and you’re very hesitant to do it but it’s just one of those things you just got to suck it up and do it because that’s what you’re called to do.”    

Devoted and thriving, Wil Myers rises to the game he loves and to the Christ he follows, saying, “I don’t get on the line and take a knee and pray before the game and stuff like that for the show – but six months ago I really started to read the Bible every night and I like to kind of keep it to myself especially when I want to learn and dive into the Word. You know we don’t have a chance to be able to go to church every Sunday so we have to make our own church in the clubhouse so we have a group of five or six guys that hold people accountable, you live your life and you live it for Him and that’s what you need in this game.”

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