CBS Sportscaster James Brown Proves Less is More

In a career spanning over 30 years, James Brown has become an icon in the world of sports broadcasting.  A three-time Emmy award winner and host of CBS’ NFL today, JB is well known as a man committed to excellence, and unabashed Christian faith.

“If I implore, or employ what the Bible says, which I believe is in Colossians 3:23, to do what you do heartily or excellently, as unto the Lord and not unto man. If I’m pleasing Him, my bosses can’t help but be satisfied because I’m going to meet or exceed the mark.”

“Hearing you,” says Andrew, “it sounds like you could easily be in full-time ministry. But I get the impression you consider your career in broadcasting somewhat of a ministry platform?”

“I say often and it’s true, that that which I do in the world in terms of my job, that’s my avocation. But my vocation is about the Word of God. And I’m just very thankful that I’m in this arena to blend the both. But I don’t go around trying to beat people over the head with a Bible. However, if they see my life exhibiting Biblical principles, and they come and ask me, now the door has been opened. Or if I ask a question and elicit something from them and they want this input, then I absolutely will give it” says JB.

One such person was former co-host, Hall of Fame quarterback and friend, Terry Bradshaw.

“And after the studio show one day he asked if I could run him back to his apartment in Los Angeles because he wanted to talk. And I was able to give him scriptural support for what he was dealing with at that time. So at that point in time, yes, they’re asking me something very personally. They’ve opened the door. And I absolutely will share because that is my responsibility.”

And it’s a responsibility he takes very seriously.  So much so, that in 2016, he tackled a decades long battle with his weight.  Through the Nutrimost wellness program, he dropped 84 pounds.

“You look like a new man. What’s been going on?”

“Gosh, Andrew, you know, I didn’t realize I’d tipped up so heavily in weight. And then when I would really stop to take a look at the pictures, to compare what I was like in college versus where I was a few years ago, I could not believe it. I’d gotten up to about 295, 297 pounds. Today I’m at about 218. And it’s all because of the healthy program, the wellness program that I’m involved in, in Nutrimost.”

JB says his motivation wasn’t just to look and feel better.

“Andrew, I feel great. But I wanted to do in it in service to the Lord. I wanted to be an excellent ambassador for Christ, to be a much better minister of the Gospel, and I’ve got energy that I haven’t had since I was about age 25.”

And as a minister of the gospel, JB fills his time with family, and speaking engagements mostly centered on reaching and empowering men for Christ.

“And we’ve been speaking to—at a lot of men’s conferences trying to exhort and encourage men along the route of what is a kingdom man? What is true success? And it’s not thinking that you know all the answers. We’re to lean unto the Lord in all of our ways and He will guide us. That’s what good success is, doing it God’s way. The difference between having knowledge and wisdom. And wisdom is the proper and correct application of God’s word that will see you through in every circumstance.”

“JB, people see you on TV, they feel like they know you, they love you. How can they pray for you?” says Andrew.

“The best way that I could ask to be prayed for is just to keep me strengthened in His Word. Because I know that when we stand before God, my resume in terms of what I’ve done in the secular world, as you well know, the Word says that’s like wood, stubble and hay. Be like the Apostle Paul. I count not myself to have apprehended, but this one thing I know. You know, to continue to press forward toward the mark of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Keep me prayed up that way so that I can make sure that I finish my race properly.”

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