The Power of Words to Change Your Life
As a believer your words play a critical role in creating the world around you. The Bible teaches in many places that you can have what you say. For example, Jesus taught his disciples to speak to mountains in order to move them or how to calm a storm with words. When your vision and your words line up with what God is saying things happen. It is so important to speak life to yourself, others and your circumstances. Speaking life is more than positive self-talk it is based on Biblical principles. If someone around you is being difficult, ask God to align your thoughts and emotions with His and begin to love them in the same way.
In the world today, ignorance about God’s ways seem to be increasing. As a result, Katherine says, “Believers can’t afford to be sowing anything into the world that is not pure, powerful, and true.” Your tongue is a powerful weapon for changing the world. Use your words intentionally to enrich the lives of those in your life. By doing so you will draw people into the family of God.
Katherine starts each day with some declarations about who she is and what God is doing. “I call those things that be not as though they are and remind myself of the truth of my identity in Christ,” shares Katherine. The declarations are based on truth and promises from scripture. She recommends you speak them over your life every day and eventually you will begin to find yourself walking in greater levels of power. Some of these declarations are listed below:
- It’s no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me. (Galatians 2:20)
- I am surrounded by your favor as with a shield. (Psalm 5:12)
- I have Your wisdom and Your mind (1 Corinthians 2:16) and am empowered to make good choices.
During a meeting in Sydney years ago Katherine recalls a couple who came forward to ask prayer for their son who was diagnosed with end stage lymphoma and had tumors all over his body. As she prayed for him she imagined herself going into their son’s hospital room and laying hands on him. She declared him healed in the name of Jesus. Seven years later, the couple came up to her when she was ministering at a church in New South Wales. They shared how the night she prayed for their son he was instantly healed and has been healthy ever since.
Years ago, Katherine developed nodules on her vocal chords from preaching and leading worship. She lost all of her singing range and had to get other people to preach and lead worship. She was told she needed surgery. The Lord challenged her to speak life over these depressing circumstances. Katherine began declaring her voice was strong and clear. Nothing happened for a while. After three months, everything came back to normal. She had her full range of singing again. She could speak strong and clear and did not need an operation because God completely healed her.
Our words carry power to bring life or death. Make sure the words you speak are not declarations of negative self-talk over your life. “We are not helping anything when we simply reiterate the difficulties we are already experiencing,” shares Katherine. Stop yourself if you are saying things like this:
- Things never seem to work out for me.
- I’m sick and tired of this.
- I’m so tired all the time.
The goal is to partner with the Holy Spirit to bring about His purposes for your life and the world around you. It is a discipline, a retraining of your thoughts and as time goes by it will become more natural. To develop this habit, you will need to be intentional to speak life over yourself, others, and your circumstances. For most of two decades, Katherine has been putting this into practice and as result is seeing things unfold now that she spoke years ago.
When you realize who you are, you find it much easier to see who other people are and begin prophesying their identities and destinies over them. Start prophesying those things that are part of their God given destiny. Katherine shares how when her daughter was younger, she went through a time when she was away from the Lord. During this time Katherine struggled with judgmental thoughts about her daughter. One day during her quiet time God revealed that Katherine’s thoughts were defining her daughter and distorting her daughter’s perception of Him. God gave Katherine a new vision of her daughter and she began speaking words of affirmation and honor over her. Eventually, the walls came down and her daughter turned back to the Lord. “It was a beautiful thing that only God could have done, but He did it by changing the way I saw and spoke,” reveals Katherine.
Katherine has a prophetic and healing ministry and travels internationally as a conference speaker. She carries a strong prophetic and miracle anointing with many being instantly healed in her meetings. Reaching across denominational walls, her ministry is also used to spread the fires of revival and ignite a fresh passion in the hearts of believers to go deeper in their relationship with God. Katherine hosts her own television show Katherine Ruonala. She and Tom are the founders and Senior Ministers of Glory City Church Brisbane and oversee the International Glory City Church network which has a growing number of churches around the world.