700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

Destroy What Has Paralyzed You

Reverend Rodriguez says many of us grow dependent on what we cannot control in our lives or find it convenient to stay put instead of stepping out in faith.  “We find it tempting to view life as unfair and to feel like a victim of our circumstances,” he says.  Reverend Rodriguez reminds us that Jesus encountered people who often felt trapped by their circumstances.  One such person was the paralytic man who had not been able to walk for 38 years.  He came to the public bath area where people would be healed of their infirmities after the waters had been stirred by an angel.  Jesus asked him, “Do you want to get well?”  Reverend Rodriguez says the man was stuck with no hope of being unstuck.  “We often act the same way,” he says. “We remain paralyzed and watch as others experience the joy that comes from attaining what we so desperately wish we had.”

We all suffer from paralysis at various times of our lives whether from indecision, inaction or inconsistency.  Reverend Rodriguez reminds us that God can’t be limited.  “Your failures do not define you,” he says.  “What God already did for you, through the cross, empty tomb, Upper Room, His blood and His Word, defines you!” The message from Jesus came long before the Nike slogan, Just Do It.  “When God calls you to move…you just have to do it,” says Reverend Rodriguez.  “Do not think about it, talk about it or analyze it.” He believes that when we encounter the power of the Holy Spirit, He will always empower you to do what you could not before.  “One moment you cannot walk, and the next moment you can.  When Jesus shows up, He immediately empowers you to do what you could not before,” says Reverend Rodriguez

Some years back, Reverend Rodriguez received a call from a national news source to interview him.  They wanted a full-length profile highlighting his life, career, ministry and leadership.  Reverend Rodriguez was thrilled to share the news with his congregation but during the interview he got a feeling the reporter was steering the conversation and his responses toward certain beliefs.  When the article came out, Reverend Rodriguez was disappointed.  The article which was supposedly focusing on him included others and showcased them prominently.  “I knew my pride experienced a serious blow. I felt I had missed my turn,” he says.  Four years later, Reverend Rodriguez looked out from a platform a few feet from where President Trump would be inaugurated.  He delivered a prayer, seen and heard by millions of people around the world.  Suddenly calls, texts and emails bombarded Reverend Rodriguez.  “My turn had come,” he says.  “I thought I missed my turn years ago, but God had something even bigger and greater waiting for me. What looked like a missed turn had actually prepared me for something greater.”  We need to do whatever we need to do to break the chains of the past and all the labels still clinging to us.  “Stop looking back.  Quit pretending to look ahead while your neck stiffens from staring behind you,” he says.  “Choose to get on your feet.” 

Reverend Rodriguez reminds us to pick up our mat and walk.  “Picking up your mat means picking up after yourself and facing the consequences of past decisions.  It means taking responsibility for your life instead of blaming others or waiting for someone to come through for you the way you have always wanted.  If we want God to transform our mats into masterpieces, we must master the pieces!”

Mentioned in the Video

Guest Info


Author of numerous book, his latest: You Are Next, Charisma 2019

President, National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference (NHCLC), world’s largest Hispanic Christian organization with 40,118 churches and chapters spread throughout the Spanish-speaking community

Named one of the Top 100 Christian Leaders in America (Newsmax 2018)

Nominated as one of the “100 Influential people in the world”

Executive producer of 2 films

Has advised Presidents Bush, Obama and Trump

Has been featured on CNN, FoxNews, etc.

Co-founder, TBN Salsa

Married: Eva, 29 years

3 children


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