Healing One Cell at a Time
As a result of his sickness, Dr. Crozier discovered a powerful substance called Glutathione (gloot-ah-thigh-ahn). During a surgery, he collapsed and a nurse gave him the product, which rejuvenated him and changed his course in medicine. Glutathione is a major antioxidant for our body. As we age, it decreases. Without it, we can’t remove the toxins and free radicals we create on a daily basis in our body. There are over 250 functions for glutathione in our bodies. It directs amino acids and helps our immune system to fight disease. However, glutathione is limited in supply. It decreases as we get older, plummets when we get ill, and even decreases with exercise. In order to maintain it, it is important to eat appropriately. However, it is best restored on a cellular level.
Dr. Gordon Crozier was born into a Christian family. His father was a missionary and a church planter in Alaska. While there, his parents became filled with the Holy Spirit, but they belonged to a church that didn’t believe in the gifts of the Spirit. The church told the Crozier family to renounce the gifts of the Spirit, or be removed from the church. When his family did not renounce the gifts, they were removed. Because of that experience, young Gordon became embittered against the church and over the years he fell away from his faith.
Gordon dealt with many illnesses over the course of his life. He was bitten by a tick when he was in the second grade before Lyme disease was known. The undiagnosed disease caused excruciating pain, stomach problems, and a heavily weakened immune system. He dealt with this pain for years, and it caused him to struggle in school. During his teen years, he went to boarding school, where he was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. The buildings at his school were filled with mold, which exacerbated his illness. Between the Crohn’s and Lyme diseases, and the compounded physical issues, Gordon was depressed. Weak, tired, and unsure where to turn, he decided to pray. He made the decision to accept the Lord in his life, and soon began to pray consistently. Gordon read scriptures about healing, which he wrote on his mirror, and he also began eating better. Soon, the symptoms of his sickness began to improve.
Dr. Crozier says his greatest wish for people is that they know how important their genetics are for their physical health. He says your genetic code is “God’s imprint” on who you are. Knowing your genetic makeup is important because that knowledge helps you avoid foods and activities that are unhealthy for you specifically. Your diet and activites can be tailored to help you avert the expression of certain genetic traits. For example, 70% of Alzheimer patients have what is called an “apoe” gene. Through changes in their lifestyle, like supplements and diet, they can avert that gene from being turned on.
Even the Bible contains instructions about how to stay healthy based on genetics. Dr. Crozier gives an example from Leviticus 14:43, where the Bible talks about mold. It says, “If the defiling mold reappears in the house after the stones have been torn out and the house scraped and plastered, the priest is to go and examine it and, if the mold has spread in the house, it is a persistent defiling mold; the house is unclean. It must be torn down—its stones, timbers and all the plaster—and taken out of the town to an unclean place.” In other words, if mold is in your house, you need to remove it. If it returns, your house is defiled, and it needs to be knocked down. Dr. Crozier says, Every Jewish person he has treated has a gene that cannot remove mold from his or her body. Thus, the Biblical instruction was customized to the Israelite genetic code.
Dr. Crozier is in the process of developing a television show titled, “Dr. Crozier and You.” He created the show so that people email and call in with their health related questions. At the end of the show, he and his wife pray for people in the audience. He says the show is designed so that people can get the answers to questions that they don’t normally get from their doctors. They can also learn the scientific explanation of their conditions. The show will air on Golden Eagle Broadcasting Network.
As someone who was once chronically ill himself, Dr. Crozier understands other peoples journey. He knows that healing is not just physical but also spiritual. He says, “I want people to have complete spiritual restoration whether I can help them have total physical restoration or not. We should emulate what Jesus Christ did in our life and show that love that Jesus did to each one of our patients. We do have salvations that come through the practice because of that. Those tend to have complete healing and restoration, too.” Dr. Crozier believes the Lord has helped him develop medicine on a cellular level to help bring health and healing to the church and to the people in the church.