700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

Veronica Karaman's True Champion Academy

Finding Strength

Veronica Karaman fell in love with the game of golf when her father put a putter in her hand at the age of five. By 14-years-old, she started playing in competitions. Sadly, she lost her father from cancer when she was only 15-years-old. Her family never really talked about how to grieve the loss of her father. To help relieve the pain, Veronica turned her attention to becoming the best at everything she put her hands to.

Veronica was raised Catholic but didn’t really have a personal relationship with the Lord until her junior year at Duke University. She put pressure on herself to make straight A’s and to be the best golfer. But she grew weary of living such a performance-based life. She equated her worth to how well she did in school, her golf score, etc. One night while alone in her room, she cried out to God and felt His presence like never before. After growing closer to the Lord, she realized that being a champion is not a trophy you achieve, but an identity you realize based on who you are. She also discovered the foundational tools of a true champion are unconditional love, acceptance, dignity of soul, an authentic heart, and a warrior spirit. 

After she graduated from Duke, she saw a commercial on The 700 Club promoting CBN/Regent University. The next day she drove from Florida to Virginia Beach to check it out. She enrolled and stopped playing golf during her time at Regent. She eventually graduated from Regent with two master's degrees. After graduation, she wrestled with not playing golf professionally. She knew that God didn’t give her the ability to play well for no reason. As God began to open doors for sponsorships, she pursued golf again but differently. She learned that God was with her when she won and He was still with her when she lost. As she excelled in the game, and after winning the qualifying tournament, Veronica went on to play in the 1989 Women's U.S. Open.

In addition to being a professional tour player and instructor, for the last 20 years, Veronica has mentored and coached students of all ages. She became a certified life coach through Transformational Leadership Coaching, Inc. Through her True Champion Coaching, Veronica combines her background in peak performance and coach training, life experiences, and the revelation of true championship to help other people live free to become true champions themselves, on the course, in the classroom, and in life.

Four Champion Zones

A true champion is defined by an inside-outside process. Veronica says it is important to activate your four champion zones. In the True Champion formation process, we focus on a person's four energy sources: spiritual (connecting the head to the heart/power of love-based performance), physical (developing skillsets, fitness, and energy management), mental (developing focus and emotional toughness/champion mindsets), and emotional (empowering vs. disempowering emotions/power of debriefing).  

The Kingdom Cup 

Veronica's ultimate dream is to do something that has never been done before by putting together the first Kingdom Cup Championship. It’s a faith-based championship that integrates worship, peak performance training, fellowship, and true competition.

Veronica explains, “Most often we separate our spirituality from our performance. This is going to be a fullness of experience where you are going to experience worship in the morning, competition in the afternoon, and fellowship all integrating into one.”

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