Parenting Prodigals
Lorie Hartshorn and her husband Dean had three kids in three years—Justin, Curtis, and Shannon. The family was close and made many happy memories through the years but when the kids became teenagers and went from Christian to public schools, all three experienced culture shock and eventually turned away from the Lord. Lorie and Dean were devastated! This dark season lasted seven long years. During this time, they questioned themselves as parents and wondered what they did wrong. At one point they even had to kick their elder son, Justin, out of the house because of his drug addiction. Within three months he turned into a different person. Their middle child, Curtis, got deep into the dark world of death metal music, alcohol, and drugs. Their youngest daughter Shannon felt left out when all of her friends and brothers were having fun partying and eventually followed in their footsteps. It started with alcohol for Shannon but turned to marijuana and heavier drugs.
Lorie and Dean decided to get help from a counselor. Lorie explains, “The counselor said, ‘Your kids are looking for you to answer one question: Do you really believe what you say you believe?’” Their immediate response was, “Of course we do!” but upon further examination, Lorie admits, “That question became very personal. Because for me in that counselor's office, at that moment, I was at a place where I really was at a crisis of belief.” They also called their pastor and church prayer team for help. That night, they realized they were dealing with more than just simple teen rebellion, they were dealing with spiritual warfare. Learning how to fight for their kids became their priority. While reading the Bible, Lorie recognized a pattern: that the Lord intervened when people came to the end of themselves. In, July 2010, they prayed that God would bring their children to them the end of themselves. Six weeks later, they saw their younger son, Curtis, run to the altar to surrender his life back to God. Three months after that, their older son, Justin, repented and turned to the Lord. Nine months later, Shannon also returned to Jesus. Lorie says that when you’re in the midst of battle, “Don’t discount that God is at work, even though you don’t see it at the surface.”
Lorie Hartshorn and Brian Warren are hosts of The 700 Club Canada, a dynamic 30-minute daily program which airs coast to coast in Canada. The 700 Club Canada focuses on three things: sharing the gospel message, teaching God’s word, and praying with their viewers. Both hosts also teach weekly on the show. You can tune in to the 700 Club Canada show Monday-Friday on: Vision TV Nationwide at 10:30 am ET, Joy TV Nationwide at 1 pm PT, and Faith TV Nationwide at 9 am & 9 pm CT (Check your local listing for channel and times in your area). She is also on CBN News Channel on the weekend.
You can see Lorie’s teaching on, The 700 Club Canada, 100 Huntley Street TV, Right Now Media, and Sanctus Church. Lorie's video-driven Bible study, Finding Freedom, shares her personal story and prayer journey in helping her kids find freedom. She shares openly the miraculous work of God in her family and how it was a wake-up call to the reality of spiritual warfare and the power of prayer. As the cohost of the 700 Club Canada, Lorie is passionate about sharing the gospel and making Jesus known. Her ‘Courageous Living’ Bible teaching segments equip people to grow in their faith.