700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

Pain-Free After 63 Years

For more than sixty years, Larry lived with pain in his jaw. It started when he was ten years old. “So we’re having a snowball fight and one of the fella’s unbeknownst to me, got the bright idea to throw an ice ball at a car. What happened was the ice ball hit the guy in the face and he almost crashed. So he came running up, he saw a gang of kids, they all scattered except one. Then the next thing I know is this huge guy picked me up and hit me square across the jaw.”

Larry never told his parents because he was afraid he would get in trouble. In the years that followed, his jaw would constantly pop out of place, and hurt when he ate. “The pain was very sharp. It got your attention, believe me. I had to be very careful how I ate or how I yawned. I used to have to yawn like…keeping my mouth closed. I couldn’t do a normal yawn. It would pop every time I did that.”

In 2015 while being fitted for dentures, Larry found out his jaw had been broken where the man hit him as a child. “I forgot all about it, I just assumed all these years that it was a problem with my wisdom teeth.

But when I got my teeth out for dentures it really started showing up. When I went to sleep at night my jaw would kind of clinch up. I’d wake up in a lot of pain.” Larry took Tylenol to ease his discomfort, and for a time, prayed for healing. “The thought came to me, and I believe it’s from God, that it’s not for me to pray for myself, it’s to pray for other people.”

“In fact when I watch The 700 Club when they’re offering prayer for people, that’s what I do.” Which is what Larry was doing one morning in 2016. “So I was praying with them, and I think it was Terry had a word of knowledge.”

There’s someone else you have a problem with your jaw, and it’s out of alignment, God’s healing that.
“And I thought, ‘Well, gee, that’s nice.’ You know? ‘Cause I knew what pain in the jaw was. I just kept praying for that person.”

Later that day while eating a snack, Larry realized that he was that person. “And so it… that feels pretty good. You know? And I then tried to open my mouth and wiggle it around and all. The pain was gone. The Lord healed me.”

After 63 years, Larry was finally pain free and has been ever since.

“I guess in God’s good time things come together just right, and he just let me know that he’s there. He’s always there.”

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