Miraculously Freed from Inescapable Lethargy

Sheila was a successful inner-city art teacher and devoted mother of 5.  But in 2007, she and her loved ones noticed she was not herself.

“I was coming home and just crashing on the couch, waking up the next morning and doing the same thing,” Sheilah remembered.  “I’m the one that gets the party started. So being out of commission, my family was really worried about me.”

After several months, Sheila finally gave in to family pressure to see a doctor.  She was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism, and prescribed medication – but it never seemed to do much good.  

“I would wake up every morning and say, ‘uhhhh… What’s the use?’ …I would have sweats and insomnia and heart palpitations.  And then other times I would be uncharacteristically sad.  And I would have no energy and I would be gaining weight, just out of proportion to what my diet was.”

What bothered her most of all, was not being able to be there for her family.

“I was tired all the time.  They would individually call me up and say, ‘I’m so worried about you.’  It was a cloud over the family,” Sheilah told us.

Although Sheilah and the family prayed for healing, she had given up hope that she would ever get back to normal.   

“I don't know why, “ she said.  “But I just thought I was disqualified for that level of God intervening in my circumstances.”

Then In April of 2016, she found out differently.  Like every morning, Sheilah turned on The 700 Club.  Pat and Wendy began to pray:  “Somebody with a thyroid condition, God is healing you right now,” prayed Wendy.

“When Wendy said that,” Sheilah said with a smile.  “I was writing furiously, making sure I had the date on my little post-it note.  There’s something that just jumped off in my spirit, I had a level of hope that I hadn’t had before.  You know the expression ‘leap of faith?’ I think I took a leap of faith!”  

Slowly, Sheila weaned herself off the Thyroid medication.

“I felt internally different right away,” Sheila remembered.  “But gradually I felt like my old self was being restored.  I was very energetic.  I would pounce out of bed in the morning.  I started getting interested in things again, and I was reaching out to friends.  I was smiling more. I was just a nicer person. I was a happier person!”

A few months later, at a follow-up visit to the doctor Sheilah learned that her thyroid levels were back to normal.

“The blood work results were a tremendous validation… the doctor said, ‘you know, you just really don’t need medication’ and I went out of that doctor’s office in the parking lot and I clicked my heels,” she said, laughing.  “I was so happy!”

Sheila has been off medication ever since and is back to creating art and enjoying her family.  This experience has taught her an important lesson.

“I really believe that God loves me.  I think of him as Abba, Father.  This healing has taught me more who He is.  He really is a loving father.”

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