700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

Cancer Survivor Believes New Tumor Will Disappear

Pat stays pretty busy taking care of her husband Jack and their son Gary.

Pat says, “My husband is no longer able to drive, so I am the only driver.  Gary is a mentally challenged young man.  He lives at home with us, and he has for about the last ten years.  And so there's just a lot on my plate.” 

She saw her doctor for a checkup in 2017, and told him she’d been having headaches for about a week.  Pat says, “He said that a headache sometimes could be caused by blocked carotid arteries, so he suggested that I go ahead and get an ultrasound.”

When she got home, she realized she hadn’t been taking her blood pressure medication.  She explains, “I keep it in a drawer in the other room, but I had forgotten to open the drawer and get the medication out when I finished the last bottle.  I started taking that medication and the headaches disappeared.”

Just to be safe, she kept the ultrasound appointment.  The results raised a new concern.

Pat says, “I saw it on the screen.  I saw this area.  And then they said, ‘Your doctor will talk to you in 48 hours.’  So I thought they’ve-they’ve found something, but I’m not going to worry about it.”  

The ultrasound had revealed a lump on the right side of her neck that was painful when pressed.  Her doctor said they would need a CAT scan to know more.  As a two-time cancer survivor, Pat wasn’t worried by the news.

She says, “I've been through so much before, I just wasn't going to burden myself with that.  The test would take care of itself.”

She prayed about the upcoming CAT scan and asked friends to pray as well.  Then on December 20th, as she got home from an errand, she turned on The 700 Club just in time to catch the last part of the show.

She says, “When I flipped it on they were praying for people, and Pat gave a specific word of knowledge that exactly described the situation I was facing with my throat.”

Pat Robertson prayed, “There’s a neck condition.  It may have been there for a while, but nevertheless, I want you to put your hand - there’s a-a place in your neck that has expanded. You-your muscle or your nerve - it hurts, and it’s like fire to touch it.  Touch your hand on it right now in the name of Jesus be healed.  Thank you, Lord.”

Pat remembers thinking, “Oh, this is great!  This is wonderful!  I can't wait to go ahead and have that CAT scan done because the CAT scan will prove that God is real.”  

She went for the CAT scan the following week.  Within hours she heard from her doctor.

Pat says, “He had already gotten the results of the test, and he said, ‘There's no evidence of anything there.’   And I said, ‘Praise God!’  And he said, ‘Well, I’ll say the same thing.’  So it was exciting.  It was wonderful!  That's God's love.  And that's His care, and that's His protection for us.  We have a great God, but He knows every intimate detail about us, and that, to me, is awesome.”

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