700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

Suffocating Woman Inhales the Power of Almighty God

In mid March of 2018 Judy began experiencing a heaviness in her lungs. She had no idea what brought it on, and especially noticed it at her job managing a shoe store. She recalls, “I was thinking about maybe going to the doctor’s and finding out what was going on. For what I do for work, I’m standing all the time and I’m walking. So I’m very active at work and it was challenging.”

Several days later, on the morning of March 19, she woke up barely able to breath. Judy said, “I sat up in bed and the feeling that I had was –I could hardly take like a shallow breath. It was a really intense heaviness but not a pain. It was like real short, shallow breaths at that point.” She continued, “After I left my bedroom I was having difficulty going up and down the steps. I had to stop halfway down the steps and I only have 12 steps. And I had to stop halfway and take a break and then continue back down.

Judy said, “I was getting a little bit concerned because I knew that the heaviness and the shallowness and the breathing was getting worse of not being able to take a deep breath.” Since it was Judy’s day off from work, she spent the morning in prayer. She said, “I wanted to know what was going on and I was just praying and asking God, you know, speaking the Scriptures, you know, ‘by Your stripes, I am healed’. And just going through the promises in the Bible and just seeking God and praying that –almost the entire morning.”

And just like every day she has off, Judy sat down to watch The 700 Club. Pat and Terry started praying. Judy recalls, “Pat said that there was somebody that had shortness of breath. Somebody that had a heaviness in their chest.”

Pat prayed, “There’s somebody who has pleurisy, your lungs have just been filling up, and right now God is completely cleansing those lungs. You are completely healed.”

Judy recalls, “Immediately I said, that’s me! And I started thanking God for showing me and telling me what was going on. But I just knew that he was talking about me, that God showed him that that was me. And I was getting healed.” She continued, “I immediately stood up and I just started taking breaths because prior to that I could not take a breath and I was maybe a little concerned. Not concerned, but just a little leery of taking a breath. But when I stood up and I was able to take a complete inhale and out—exhale breath.”
Then Judy said, “I went over to the steps, started up the steps slowly. And then I just started running up and down the steps just thanking God and I was healed. God immediately healed me.”

Judy’s had no more problems with her lungs since. She is always quick to tell friends and family about what God did for her. “God does still heal. And He cares about every detail in your life. And He will be there for you. You just have to trust and you have to believe and have faith that He will be with you. He is with you. And He will never leave you.”

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