700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

God Still Performs Miracles

In 2015, I was unable to walk. I was actually dragging my leg. I couldn’t bend my leg. I could only just extend my leg straight out. I was unable to sit. I sought a doctor and when I did, I went and had the surgery, total knee replacement. And because I had waited so long to have the surgery they had to do some extensive knee replacement. After my first knee surgery, the pain returned. Then I had to have another knee revision surgery. About 15 days later the pain was, it was back.

I didn’t understand it. It made me feel depressed. I felt hopeless, because I was a very active person. I was very lively. I loved to go. I traveled. I did a lot of things and now I couldn't —I was captive in my own house. All I did was watch TV. That’s when I started watching the 700 Club. It gave me hope.

On June the 21st, 2019, I was watching The 700 Club and about ten minutes before the show, ends Gordon was getting ready to pray…

“By His stripes you are healed so Wendy and I are going to agree with you…All you need to do is touch,” said Gordon.

And I'd already been praying and I told God that if you're the same God that the woman with the issue of blood said, ‘If I could just touch the hem of your garment,’ then I want you to prove to me that you can do the same for me. Gordon said to lay your hands on your knees.

Gordon said, “Someone else you have tendons out of place in your left knee…and God is putting them back into place, taking all that swelling all that pain all the discomfort away from you right now.  In Jesus name be healed, be made whole.”

And I just started praising God, and I said, That's me! That's me! That's me!

The pain was gone instantly and I was just, I was astonished.

I can move my leg, you hear me. My leg is not popping or anything.  I'm telling you, I know that he did it for me, an old wretch like me.  And undeserving. That's what I'm talking about. When you know you're undeserving! Whewwww! You better serve God, the God that I serve!

I’m ready to go now! My home is not a prison anymore.  I love being a greeter at my church.  Being able to be physically able to stand and welcome people into the house of God and showing them that God loves them. I love going out to eat and shopping with my best friend.  And…our mall, you have to go in and out of the stores, and I used to dread that because it was so much walking and now I look forward to that because I'm not in any pain. God still performs miracles. My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, is a healer. I know that to be true today. I know it!

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