700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

Relief After Twelve Years of Burning Stomach Pain

“My name is John Woody, I started dealing with uh this acid reflux, you know, when I was eating and then when I would go to bed at night my stomach would burn, and then when I – like if I'm lying down it would – the acid would come back up through my esophagus. And so sometimes I would be lying down in the bed and I can – you can feel it when it's coming up. And I would get up and sit in the recliner or either sit on the sofa and get me some pillows and put behind my head and I would just sleep on the sofa or sleep in the chair, you know, all night. I started dealing with that about twelve or thirteen years ago.”
“I got to the point to where I didn't know what to do so I finally went to the doctor and he told me, say, ‘You've got what's called acid reflux.’ And I said, you know, explained a little of what it was and he put me on some pill call Zantac. Mine was prescription. I asked him, I said, ‘Well, how long do I have to take these things?’ He said, ‘For the rest of your life.’ And so I – and I said to myself, I said, ‘Naw, it's not going to be that long.’ I said, ‘God's going to heal me from this.’ I believe in the power of prayer, because I've seen him do so much in my life.”

“And so I was sitting on the sofa one morning. and so when The 700 Club came on, I switched over to that. Gordon and uh Terry was talking and they was – they was saying like ‘There's someone out there that's got this burning sensation in their stomach…'”

Terry said, “There’s someone else you struggle with acid reflux with stomach acid and God is just putting that all back in order again, you’re not going to be experiencing it…”

“And so that got my attention when she said that,” says John, “I'm saying, ‘Hey, now that-that's me.’ And-and I said, I said, ‘Wow.’ So they said, ‘We're going to pray for it.’ And so I prayed with them and-and I told God, I said, ‘I receive that prayer for me.’  It was like God just stepped in and said, ‘I got you.’ And it was like a warm feeling came over me and that-that's like a reassurance that God say, ‘You're cured of that.’ And then I stopped taking the Zantac and so from then on about six months later I wasn't having any problem. I wasn't taking the medication and I wasn't having any problem. And I haven't had any problem since then. To live free from that, that’s a miracle in itself and every day of my life I cannot express how good God is.  God says, ‘I'll never leave you nor forsake you’. He says, ‘I'm with you always.’ Hallelujah! If I could I’d jump over and give you a little shout right here!”

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