700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

Healing Touch of God Felt Like Electricity

“I like to go to church, I read my Bible, be with my family, my girls. My oldest is 21 and then my youngest is 13,” says Elizabeth Marquez. “My mom had knee surgery on October 27th, 2020. While she was in surgery, I was at the chapel praying for her and for my family. I had pain in my neck, it was really bad. It was like a migraine headache--it was getting really, really strong. And I just prayed to God to heal it,” says Elizabeth. “I was in prayer and after I finished my prayer, I got on my phone and that’s when I saw The 700 Club. I listen to Pat and Terry every day. I love watching them. Pat and Terry were on praying for the nation and everybody there. And they called out my name and they said, ‘Elizabeth’ and I was so happy to hear my name.”

“Elizabeth or Liza or Elizabeth” Pat Robertson says during The 700 Club broadcast, “There’s a whiplash, a whiplash in your neck, reach your hand on your neck. All of a sudden all that pain is gone, those muscles are straight, your spine is realigned in Jesus’ name. Touch them Lord! Thank you.”

“So, I touched it and at the time that I touched my neck I felt electricity going through my neck and I knew it was Jesus,” says Elizabeth. “I knew it was God healing me and I was so happy and so excited, and I had so much joy in my heart and as soon as he finished praying all the pain was gone. It was just a miracle! You know God came through for me and He came through for my mom also,” says Elizabeth. “It was just a great feeling in my heart knowing that His presence was there and always will be there. If it weren’t for Jesus and for God, I don’t know where I would be at this moment. Thank you!”

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