700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

A Muslim’s Miracle

CBN.com —Bala sells firewood for a living in his village in northern Nigeria. In his spare time, he likes to read. 

“I was reading in front of my house when I first noticed my eyesight was getting bad,” says Bala.

Before long, he had completely lost his sight.

“For three years, I could not work or see my family,” Bala remembers. “I wanted to see their faces and look into their eyes, but I couldn’t. I was very sad. I sought help from doctors and shamans, but nothing changed. I just resigned myself to my fate.”

One day, Bala heard a lot of chatter among the villagers.  They heard a team of CBN pastors was coming to show the Jesus film. Bala heard that a lot of miracles happened during the village meetings.  He wanted to go, but it was too far to walk blind.  When the team heard about Bala, they went to his home and prayed with him.

“As the pastor prayed with me, my eyes started to itch,” says Bala. “I rubbed them, and realized that things were getting clearer and clearer. I could see!”

Bala and his family gave their lives to Jesus Christ.  And because they witnessed the miracle for themselves, many of Bala’s Muslim neighbors gave their lives to Christ, too. Now Bala’s back to his business, and is grateful for the help he has received.

“I thank God for bringing the CBN team to my village,” says Bala.  Now I can see, work, and enjoy time with my family. I’m very grateful. Thank you!”

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