A Unified Goal Can Bring Financial Well-Being

CBN.com - The stress of raising two children alone weighed heavily on Yvette Webber.

“As a single mom, our budget was rent, utility bills, and food,” says Yvette. “But the kids were little and they liked macaroni and hot dogs so we ate a lot of that.”

During that time, Yvette watched The 700 Club and learned about the importance of tithing. So she decided to give God ten percent of what little money she earned.

“There were times that, you know, we didn’t know how we were going to make it,” she says. “But there was always a knock on the door and there were always provision and God. We never went without.”

A few years later, Yvette met and married Tim.

“We had a dual income and for the first time we had more than we needed. We had a lot and we got a little carried away,” Yvette says.

“We made high car payments. We had credit card debt. We just weren’t making wise choices,” Tim says.

Eventually, the couple ran up $18,000 in credit card debt.

“We were both feeling so much stress over the finances that it started to affect us in how we were getting along. We were fighting a little bit more,” Yvette says.

Giving was another area the couple had conflict. While Yvette tithed off her teacher’s salary, Tim wasn’t so sure.

“I wasn’t quite ready to do that,” he says. “I think I was just afraid we didn’t have enough. We had bills that seemed to be increasing. It was hard to think of giving ten percent.”

When the couple watched Pat Robertson teach on the law on reciprocity, Tim had a change of heart.

“We were regular watchers of The 700 Club for a long time and I know that that would prick me every time I would hear that,” Tim says. “It would remind me, ‘We really should be doing that’. What am I holding back when it doesn’t really belong to me? He gave it to me for use for Him.”

“So under that direction, we decided to go back to tithing, not only on my income but on his income as well,” Yvette says.

After they both started giving ten percent of their paychecks to God, Tim landed a higher-paying job.

“From my part, it was almost effortless,” Tim says. “And I couldn’t believe how God, how obvious it was to me that God has just opened doors.”

“The Lord was able to give me wisdom to make what we had go further and never be late on a single bill,” Yvette says.

Soon Yvette was able to cut her work hours in half and spend more time at home with her children. Now, these CBN partners are on track to be debt-free this year.

“It takes a leap of faith to trust that you can give to the Lord first,” Yvette says. “You can give to His work and you can trust that He’s going to make everything work out OK.”

“Go ahead and trust God,” encourages Tim. “I know in my own life many times that God has always come through in His promises. We just had to trust Him on this one.”

Being obedient to God's truth made an incredible difference for Tim and Yvette. It can make a difference in your life too! Join them in partnering with CBN. You will make a difference in lives around the world, through medical missions, food and clothing programs, humanitarian outreaches and so much—all in the name of Jesus. Please join today.

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