Afraid to Be Alone

Eleven-year-old Chloe and her dog Peaches are inseparable. There was a time when Chloe refused to go to bed without her. She told us that she was afraid when she was alone, and sometimes insisted that her mom come and sit with her too.

Chloe's fears began after she started watching horror movies with her cousins.

"I covered my eyes during the scary parts," said Chloe, "but sometimes I would peek."

"Now when I'm alone, I remember the ghosts and scary faces," she said. "I imagine they will jump out and scare like in the movie. That's why I kept Peaches with me, and even hid under the covers."

Chloe's mom was getting concerned.

"She stalled and waited for me to go with her [to bed]," said Jenny. "Then she asked me to wait with her while she brushed her teeth."

Then Chloe's mom and dad saw the new version of Superbook was airing in the Philippines. They couldn't wait to show it to Chloe.

The couple had watched the classic version of the CBN cartoon as children and remembered how much it meant to them.

"As a child, I saw a Superbook episode about Jesus calling his disciples. That taught me to follow and serve him today," said Jenny.

Chloe watched Superbook every week, but still battled her fears. Then she saw the Bible episode called "Revelation: The Final Battle".

"I like the scene where Jesus and the angels win against Satan and his bad angels. I learned that when we believe in the power of God we can beat evil!" said Chloe.

That night after watching that episode, Chloe, for the first time in years, was able to go to her bedroom without being afraid.

"Peaches doesn't have to come with me anymore. I tell myself that I don't have to be afraid because Jesus is by my side," said Chloe.

"Superbook is planting the seeds of faith and love for God in her," added Jenny. "Chloe is learning to appreciate what God can do. It's great that CBN brought back Superbook."

"Thanks for helping me to overcome my fears and be brave! I know now Jesus is with me!" said Chloe.

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