Attracting Raises, Promotions and Success

CBN.com - CBN Partner Vinitha Seevaratnum grew up in Sri Lanka, and moved to the United States in 1992 to go to school.

"I think I've always kind of had it in my heart to give," says Vinitha.

Although Vinitha loved to give to others, she didn't learn about tithing until she was in college. 

"This pastor, where I went to church, he was teaching about tithing, and I got it."

Vinitha learned that the Bible teaches when we give 10 percent to God, He provides for us. So Vinitha tithed regularly throughout college. The day she graduated, she wasn't worried about finding a job like most grads, because she had landed a job six months earlier!

"And not only that, they offered me more than what I asked for," says Vinitha.

Since then, Vinitha has received a raise each year. She's a product marketing engineer at a computer company, and just recently, her boss surprised her.

"He says, 'We are not giving any raises unless it's an exceptional case,' and he turns to me and says, 'You are the exception.' So I ended up getting a raise and a bonus that year."

Vinitha believes there's only one explanation for her financial success.

“When you tithe and you walk under the principles of God, He's always watching out for you, you always have that favor, regardless of what the economy in the natural is doing."

Vinitha loves to give to CBN and Operation Blessing.

"Something as simple as glasses that this man did not have. And CBN was able to provide," she says. "It's just very touching to be able to touch an individual like that, and it's not just one individual - that's many people."

Of all the things Vinitha learned in college, there's one lesson she will never forget.

"When God says give, you want to give, because you don't want to do it any other way, but the way He calls us to do it. I would encourage you, even if you think it's as small as a mustard seed, give it. You might think it might be minute, but give it to the kingdom. And God sees that, and He will take that and multiply it, for His kingdom purposes," says Vinitha.

Vinitha took God at His word and He provided for his every need. God wants to bless you too! You can be a part of what God is doing in the world today by partnering with CBN. You will bring the love of God to millions of hurting people all around the world.  Through your gifts, you provide medical missions that treat the sick, dig clean water wells to help thirsty villagers, and comfort disaster victims, quickly bringing them the help they desperately need—all in the name of Jesus. Please join with us and make a life-changing difference in the world today.

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