Baby Im: Safe from Harm

Today, Baby Im dances with joy. She has no idea how close her life came to being dramatically different.


Everybody loves to see two-year-old Baby Im dance. Her playful feet and graceful fingers sway to the music that comes from within her cuddly little body. But only a year ago, this would not have been possible. Unwanted from birth, five-week-old Baby Im was being sold into slavery for a ridiculous price of $75. The plan was to cut off her hands and feet, turning her into a street beggar. Fortunately, a Christian woman named June heard of the hideous plan and did all she could to intervene. “I could not believe that a mother could actually exchange her baby for any price,” June says. “She was definitely not well. So I convinced them, and I prayed. It was God who convinced the man’s heart. So he agreed to give up the baby and take his money back.” With the precious little baby safe in her arms, June knew exactly where to take her. “I trust the people in the orphanage,” she says. “I am confident that this is the place the Lord has prepared for baby Im. It’s a house of love.” In this orphanage supported by CBN, Baby Im is safe from harm. She has older brothers and sisters who take care of her. She will be given the education that she will need and will also receive skills training. Baby Im will never have to beg. More than that, Baby Im will be able to use those little feet and those little hands to worship and praise the God who had saved her. June says, “I’d like to thank CBN and everybody in the U.S. for giving these children another chance for having a bright future. Thank you, God!”


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