Breaking the Curse on Your Finances

CBN.com - Jim Freiberg and his wife, Janet, enjoy their life in Colorado’s high country. Jim always had steady work in construction, but after almost 30 years, he was laid off when the recession hit. 

“I just hadn’t anticipated that I would be in that spot in my life,” Jim recalls.
Janet staged homes going on the market and took a hit too.  The couple went through their savings and started cutting corners every way they could. Jim searched for a job but came up empty.

“There was no apparent relief on the horizon,” says Jim. 

Friends and family helped them get by. 

“There was provision, but it was humbling provision,” Janet remembers.

And then, Janet had a breakthrough.
“”The Lord woke me up one morning with Psalm 23, verse 1.  “He leads you, He guides you; He feeds you.”  It was no longer the job is my provision; it was, He is my provision.  And it isn’t going to be my plan.””

Janet and Jim decided to trust God.  They tithed off the money people were giving them and continued partnering with CBN.

“Every time that we would tithe,” says Jim, “The Lord was faithful to get us to the next spot.” 

For two years, the Freibergs continued to have just enough money to pay their bills every month, but Jim was still frustrated.

““And I would say, “I don’t think the construction industry will ever return.” And Janet made a suggestion to me, “You know, maybe what you’ve been saying about the construction industry, maybe you’ve been, in effect, cursing yourself with your own words.” And so I asked the Lord to forgive me for the words that I had spoken and to give me a second chance.””

A few weeks later, the couple heard a message on declaring the word of God.

“We drove to a nearby mountaintop and we read God’s promises over us.  And we proclaimed and declared those promises for our life.”

The very next day, Jim got two job offers.

“And I had been working for two years on my own, struggling to get somebody to return a phone call to me,” says Jim. “God is bigger than I ever gave him credit for.  He can do things that are impossible.  He’s not affected by the economy; He’s not affected by anything. He is God.”

Being obedient to God's truth made an incredible difference for Jim and Janet. Join them in partnering with CBN. You will make a difference in lives around the world, through medical missions, food and clothing programs, humanitarian outreaches and so much—all in the name of Jesus. Please join today.

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