Brothers Against Life’s Storms

Three years ago, the Espino children, who live in the Philippines, were abandoned by their parents.  Since then, Eduardo, 17, and Jade, 16, have been looking after their younger brother and sister.   Eduardo works as a taxi driver using a rented pedi-cab bicycle.  Every penny he makes goes towards expenses—and the basics.
“Sometimes, after I pay off the rent for the bicycle taxi, all I can afford is a loaf of bread,” he told CBN. “I wish I could go back to school and get a better job!”
Then a typhoon destroyed their home and everything they owned. They barely escaped with their lives.  
“The flood was more than 10 feet high!” said Jade. “We were forced to climb onto the roof of our neighbor’s house.”  
When the waters receded, the brothers scavenged for wood and metal to build a shanty.
“When it rains, the roof leaks. It’s hard to sleep,” said Jade.
When CBN met Jade and Eduardo, the first thing we did was provide all the materials needed to build them a brand new house, high above the flood plain.  Eduardo couldn’t have been more excited.      
“I have always dreamed of having a house with a second floor. It’s come true thanks to CBN! Now we all sleep comfortably and we don’t worry when it rains.”
Next we gave Eduardo his own bicycle taxi so he doesn’t have to rent one anymore.  We gave his brother Jade a barber kit, since he had taught himself to cut hair with an old pair of scissors!  

Finally CBN made it possible for Eduardo, and all of the children to go back to school.
“CBN has given me a chance to finish school and work for myself!” said Eduardo with a smile. “With the bicycle taxi, all my earnings can go to providing for my brothers and sister. I won’t waste this opportunity.”

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