Cure for a Double Dose of Financial Stress

The Tillett family has never been happier. It's hard to believe that only a few months ago, they could barely afford to pay their bills.

"We got paid every two weeks, and it was literally like you lived your life two weeks at a time," Kim Tillett said. "It was very frustrating, you know, washing your dishes very slowly with a little bit of water so you didn't waste it. It was hard."

As Nathan struggled to keep his family afloat, a family member told them about CBN's Operation Blessing partner, Carpenter's House. Even though the Tilletts weren't Christians, they turned to the church for food during their time of need.

"Having Operation Blessing and Carpenter's House Ministries and their partnership helped us navigate funds, what little we did have, to areas we could use to even further benefit our family," Kim said. "We could pay rent that month, because we got a ham we could literally use for two weeks. It's almost like you hear about other countries and they use every part of the animal – I used every part of that box to get me through. Every part."

Because of the outreach, the Tilletts started attending services, and soon, they both gave their lives to Christ.

"Through all my struggles, I started getting these glimpses of the Lord providing for me. Carpenter's House, and Operation Blessing – that was the biggest wake-up call," Nathan remembers. "What they're doing, and providing us with, is amazing. You know, because there's been times when I didn't have enough money to buy food. Then you go to the church, Carpenter's House, and Operation Blessing is there, and they give you a box of food, sometimes up to 80 pounds. And to get that is a blessing."

Nathan's prayers were answered when he was hired as an animator. Kim got a good job at a bakery, and soon the family had the money to pay their bills, buy food, and finance their first home. Today they volunteer with the food distributions, helping others in need.

"Living where we were before, from paycheck to paycheck, I never thought it would be possible. I thought I'd be at a job like that living paycheck to paycheck, but, again, through Christ you give, he gives back, you believe, it happens, and it happened to us. I couldn't be happier," Nathan said.

CBN Partners provide practical help for families in need. This often opens hearts to receive the message of Christ. If you are not a partner, please join with us today. For a small investment of $20 a month, you can bring help and a message of hope to people throughout the world. Become a member today!

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