Dying for Strong Medicine

CBN.com - When 3-month-old Brian woke up with a cough, his mother wasn’t too worried.  She prepared some home remedies. Hours later Brian got worse.

“He began to cough and had a  fever. Then it became hard for him to breathe,” said Maricruz, the boy’s mother.

“I panicked. I thought, 'We are poor. We don´t have money for a doctor or a clinic,'” added the boy’s father Jose.

That’s when they remembered a clinic in another town that had medicine donated from an organization in America: Operation Blessing. But the couple knew the clinic was already closed for the night.   

“I asked God for faith to heal my son. I thought we were losing him; that he was going to die!” recalls Maricruz.

Then next morning she raced to the clinic.

“When I got there I saw all these people…but I was so desperate I just ran into one of the doctor’s office and said ‘Help me—my son is dying.’”   

The doctor quickly checked Brian and determined that he had pneumonia. But as soon as he received his first breathing treatment with medicine provided by Operation Blessing, Brian started to perk up.

She then gave Maricruz additional antibiotics to fight the infection—these were also given to the clinic by Operation Blessing.     

“The doctor told me what to do and I gave him all of the medicine,” said Maricruz.

Within a few days Brian was feeling much better. When Maricruz took him back to the clinic ten days later the doctor gave Brian a clean bill of health.

“I don´t know how to thank you for saving my son’s life with that wonderful medicine. May God bless Operation Blessing!”

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