Financial Peace of Mind -Randy Rodkey is a successful attorney in Johnstown, PA.
“Really helping people, that’s where the real satisfaction has been,” says Randy.
Randy and his wife Karen were young newlyweds when he opened his own law office. He admits that law school taught him about civil procedures and security regulations, but it didn’t teach him to curb his spending and balance a family budget.
“I had the ability to earn money, but I had the ability to spend money,” says Randy.
“The money came in and the money went out and we weren’t getting anywhere,” adds Karen.
The Rodkey’s were deeply in debt. They had home equity loans, car loans, and credit card debt that totaled $75,000.
“I wanted a nice car, we wanted to do this or that, being an attorney, I felt, well, I’d just make more money,” says Randy. “I know it was causing more stress on Karen.”
“I was just fearful of everything. Physically, you know, I would sometimes just shake,” says Karen.
Randy remembers, “this creditor wants to know, where’s their payment. That was very embarrassing.”
After several years, the couple agreed on one thing; they needed to return to church. Once there, they both recommitted their lives to Christ. That’s where they learned about the principle of tithing.
“I’d have just taken all our money, paid off bills, and given the rest to the Lord,” says Karen.
Randy recalls, “I would look at our income and look at our bills and say, ‘there’s no way.’”
“I prayed for Randy, I prayed that God would show him,” says Karen.
Soon, Karen’s prayer was answered.
Randy remembers, “The financial pressure was really boiling over and I just yelled out in the car, ‘God, why are you doing this to me?’ And as clearly as I spoke, there was a voice from the back seat and he said, “don’t trust in money, trust in God.’ I mean there is no doubt in my mind that the God of the universe spoke to me personally that morning.”
The Rodkeys say they tithed faithfully for months, yet saw no increase in their finances.
“Finally the light went on that we were not being good stewards, we still weren’t paying the bills in a timely way,” says Randy. “He wasn’t going to pour out more money for us just to spend more money.”
So the Rodkeys began to pay their bills early and receive discounts. They stopped using credit cards and paid down their debt. They also increased their giving.
“So the more we did, the more He did, and the more he would then trust us with,” says Randy.
Then, Randy received an offer to become a partner in a prestigious law firm . And they were able to pay down more of their debt.
“God really put a desire in my heart to be debt free because it freed up more money to do God’s work,” says Randy.
IN 2009, The Rodkeys joined The 700 Club.
“They are putting God’s word worldwide and they other thing is they respond when there is a need,” says Randy.
Today, the Rodkeys are completely debt free.
“So tithing brings blessing, that is true, but also we are to honor God in our lifestyle,” says Randy.
“And you never can out give the Lord,” says Karen. “We are living that. it’s a simple beginning. Just do what He says. Do what He says.”
Being obedient to God's truth made an incredible difference for Randy and Karen. It can make a difference in your life too! Join them in partnering with CBN. You will make a difference in lives around the world, through medical missions, food and clothing programs, humanitarian outreaches and so much—all in the name of Jesus. Please join today.