Go Ahead and Test God with Your Money!

CBN.com -Kraig Kaehler has been around cars all his life. As a boy he hung out with his dad in the family’s auto body shop. So in 1999, he went to work doing damage appraisals for an insurance company.

“What we did was go out into the field,” Kraig says. “If it was in a body shop or towing facility, do the appraisal on it, and then report back to the insurance company.”

But Kraig was struggling financially; so a few years ago he took the biggest risk of his life and started his own business as an independent appraiser.

“Very scary,” Kraig remembers. “You don’t know when the next paycheck is coming, how much it’s going to be. You have to get out and work hard, do what your customers want and get after it.”

That same year he decided to get serious about a biblical principle that he had been neglecting - tithing.

“I was learning about tithing from The 700 Club,” he says. “That it is one of God’s basic and fundamental laws. You know, if you give, it shall be given to you good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over. And you can’t out-give God - the more you give, the more it comes back to you.”

So Kraig decided to test God and give. Looking back on his financial records, he discovered an interesting pattern.

“I noticed the first year after I started to give, that my income increased 25 percent that first year. And the year after that I decided to give more and test him even more. That year it went up another 35 percent!”

So Kraig again increased his giving again.

“I was thinking, ‘this cannot be coincidence,’” he says. “After I joined the Thousand Club, I noticed a 50 percent increase in income. So I took a big leap of faith, and God Almighty recognized that, and blessed me.”

Kraig tracked his income over the past seven years on a graph. The law of reciprocity has been working.

Today, Kraig enjoys spending time with his family as his business continues to grow.

“The numbers don’t lie. It’s all right there,” he says. “Try it. Trust God. Learn what his laws are and obey his laws and he will bless you.”

God wants to bless you too, just as He has blessed Kraig. One way you can give to God’s work is through CBN. Not only will you reach thousands each day with a message of truth and hope through The 700 Club, you will also help feed and clothe children around the world, bring medical aid to those suffering and so much more. Please join with us today.

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