Have You Fainted From Hunger?

CBN.com —Mira lives in Kyrgyzstan with her mother and sisters. Everyone in her family suffers from chronic anemia due to lack of good nutrition.

"I know we need to eat better, but we cannot afford it," Mira says. "Sometimes during the day I go to sleep and fall down. My mom says it's called 'fainting.'"

"She faints because we have so little food," says Mira's mother Nurzada. "She does well at school, but sometimes she misses things because she is so anemic."

Nurzada's husband recently abandoned the family, leaving her alone to raise their three children; the youngest one an infant. She grows vegetables in her garden and bakes flat bread to feed her daughters. That's all the food they have.

"I work hard all the time and I don't eat enough myself," says Nurzada. "I know my baby will soon need more than mother's milk, but I don't know how I'm going to feed her."

"I see my mother struggling, and that makes me sad," says Mira. "I see her crying and praying a lot."

Although Kyrgyzstan is a Muslim nation, Nurzada became a Christian eight years ago.

"I pray all the time," says Nurzada. "I pray, 'Lord Almighty, you can do everything. Help me, please!'"

"I prayed, too." Mira says. "I asked God to give us a cow."

When CBN heard about the simple needs of this family, a plan to help was put together. CBN gave them a cow and some chickens.

"It is truly a miracle for our family," Nurzada says. "In all of my life I've never seen such generosity."

Today they have milk, cheese and eggs every day thanks to CBN. In fact, they have so much, Nurzada is selling the extra milk and eggs to her neighbors.

"My children are always full now, and I'm earning money for us," Nurzada says. "Thank you so much for helping us!"

"I don't faint anymore," Mira says. "I'm happy, and healthy, and I don't miss anything at school! Thank you very much!"

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