Hopeless Widow Sustains Family on One Meal a Day

Ater Susheela’s husband died of a heart attack, she had no way to provide for her sons.  During the funeral, relatives gave them enough food for a couple months, but it ran out quickly.

Susheela explained, "My children and I ate only one meal a day, and we were trying to stretch that into a few more days."

The trauma of her husband's death caused her to have fainting spells.  She could not work in the fields or perform any job that required hard labor.

 "I prayed to Jesus and told Him that I needed a way to feed my children," said Susheela.  "I told Him that I knew how to sew, but I needed a sewing machine."

Susheela’s pastor asked CBN for additional support for the family.  We brought them a two-month-supply of food, along with the medicines Susheela needed for her fainting spells.  We also gave her a brand new sewing machine and materials to start her own business.

"I didn’t expect this!" exclaimed Susheela.  "I didn’t think that God would help me so much through CBN.  God has done a miracle bigger than I could have ever imagined!  Now I can sew skirts, bags and mats.  I will be able to earn enough to send my children to school, pay for transportation, buy enough food, and even save for my children's future.  This has given me so much courage and independency!  I thank God for his grace, and I thank you for all the help you have given me!"

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