How to Make Your Dreams Come True

CBN.com - “It is an exciting time in New York for me right now. I just landed a role in the new Spiderman movie and have a feature role in the new Stephen King movie, but there were many times where it wasn’t like this,” shares Kristin Lundberg from the streets of New York City.

Kristin moved to New York after college to act and teach.  With steady work hard to come by, it was difficult to pay rent and other bills.  So, over time, she accumulated $6,000 dollars of credit card debt.

Kristin had to put her dreams aside to work full-time as an executive assistant in the city.  But after ten years of inflation and poor financial choices, she was no better off than before.  She explains, “Those interest rates, they just hike up every month.   And especially when you’ve been late, trying to pay off alone is a real struggle.  I just really secluded myself.”  She continues with tears in her eyes, “And I didn’t know how to ask for help.  And it really became emotional because of that.”

Then while channel surfing, she came across The 700 Club

Kristin recalls, “Pat and Terry were just sitting there, and they were just talking about their love of Christ and their faith.  And I kept thinking how wonderful to have a program like this available to people in a city where you feel just kind of isolated and alone.”  With tears in her eyes, she continues, “It started lifting my heart and I almost felt like the darkness and the stress just kind of slowly falling away from my body and my heart and being able to open my heart to my faith, to bring me back to Jesus.”

After that, she watched the program every night.   She says it inspired her to go to church, and educated her on how to manage her life and her finances. 

“Pat specifically talked about taking ten percent of your paycheck and putting that into tithing,” Kristin reveals.  “It wasn’t something that I questioned. It was just something that I felt I was happy to do.”

Kristin is happy to give to CBN, too.   Even when she lost her corporate job, she continued to tithe and give.  She kept to a budget and often called The 700 Club for prayer.  Kristin says those prayers were answered!  Today, she’s making a living doing what she came to New York for – teaching, acting on stage and in film productions.  She also just had her first children’s book published, Sniffy McSnifferson Meets the Beloved.

She says with joy, “Since I started giving, I’ve only seen amazing opportunities floating my way because of that, and it’s been wonderful.  I paid off one credit card in full.  I put money in savings as well, and I’m able to tithe every week, which I love doing.”  She concludes with a challenge, “You know, the money that you get is not your money, it’s God’s money, so you kind of need to spend His money in a way that will help others.”

Being obedient to God's truth made an incredible difference for Kristen. She made herself available for God's love to flow through her to others, and she is reaping a blessing herself as well. Join her in partnering with CBN. You will make a difference in lives around the world, through medical missions, food and clothing programs, humanitarian outreaches and so much—all in the name of Jesus. Please join today.

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