“Daddy, we’re living like the animals!”

For 11-year-old Jeremias and his family money has always been tight. Frequently the only thing they had to eat were forest rats.

"Sometimes my dad brought home a rat," said Jeremias. "He told me to I had to eat it. I said 'No Dad, I only want rice.' But he said I had to eat it or I would be hungry."

At night the family has to face other rats. Rats eat garbage and infest the roof of their home, which is made of corn stalks. The roof also leaks when it rains.

"Yesterday there was a huge rain and my mosquito net and sheet got soaked," Jeremias told us.

Jeremias' dad Carlos owns a small piece of land which provides some fruit to eat and sell. He told us it's hard to watch his kids suffer.

"One of my sons told me 'Dad, we are living like animals!' It broke my heart when he said that," said Carlos.

But Carlos struggled to make his land profitable because he lacked the proper seeds, fertilizer and tools to farm.

So Operation Blessing gave him everything he needed to clear some land and plant cilantro, a good cash crop that grows quickly in the region of Peru. For the first time ever, the land is generating enough income for the family.

"With the tools and the seeds that Operation Blessing gave me, now I have doubled my previous earnings!" said Carlos.

Now the family can afford to buy food and no longer have to eat rats.

Finally, to protect them from the elements and rodents, we built them a new house and gave them new beds.
"I love my new house, now I have a place to sleep. Thanks Operation Blessing for everything!" said Jeremias with a big smile.

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