Make a Short Amount of Money Go a Long Way

CBN.com — Julian and Roz Martin have their hands full with two toddlers.

Julian is a hands on dad and Roz is a stay at home mom. Both love The 700 Club. "The 700 Club grabbed my attention because I could get a lot of information in one hour with two small children." Roz explains.

It was Roz who initially suggested they join The 700 Club.

"What prompted us to be givers to The 700 Club was the different areas of impact that The 700 Club has around the world," Roz continues. "They just really touched our hearts."

"They are doing great work," Julian adds. "God is using the little bit that I can give and help others around the world."

But a few years ago, the Martins struggled with giving away money. They had accumulated nearly $40,000 in debt.  So they took a class on finances.

"It came to a point where you started looking at your student loans, looking at your car note, and all those things," Julian says. "What if something happened? We started focusing on paying those things off. If you pay the minimum balance on your credit cards, you are going to be there for a long time. "

Roz adds, "We started off paying our smallest debt first. And then once we paid that off, we'd take that payment and then we'd pay it on the next smallest debt until we got our largest debt. And we continued to add the different payments onto that so we eventually completely debt free outside out home."

Then they were able to afford a new, bigger home.

"When the Lord sees how you value your money, he knows where your heart is," says Roz. "That is the one area that the Lord will honor you if you honor Him."

God is able to take that 90 percent and stretch it further than you can ever imagine.

Being obedient to God's truth made an incredible difference for this family. They made themselves available for God's love to flow through them to others, and they are reaping a blessing themselves as well. Join them in partnering with CBN. You will make a difference in lives around the world, through medical missions, food and clothing programs, humanitarian outreaches and so much -- all in the name of Jesus. Please join today.

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