Only One Villager Prayed for a Water Well Miracle
This polluted river in southwest India provides water for the Talsande village. So CBN’s Living Waters team came and said they would try to dig a well. Since Surekha was the only Christian in the Hindu village, the CBN team asked her to pray before the drilling began.
Surekha said, "I told Jesus that we desperately needed water and asked Him for His help. But after a couple hours of drilling, CBN didn't hit any water."
The villagers started blaming Surekha and her God.
One villager, Shanta Bai, explained, "We told Surekha to do Hindu rituals before the drilling began, but she refused. We knew that was why no water was coming out."
Surekha said, "I kept my faith in Jesus, and finally Jesus gave us water!"
With a sparkle in her eye, Shanta Bai explained, "The next day, when we saw water coming out, we knew it was a miracle. So we started believing in Jesus Christ."
Now people from Surekha's village come to her home to study the Bible, pray and worship.
"When people come here for water, they say they are getting it from 'The Jesus Well," said Surekha. "I thank Jesus for this miracle and for Him using CBN to help us."
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