Sheila Walsh: 5 Minutes with Jesus
Many women struggle to find a few quiet minutes each day to spend time in God’s Word. The busyness of life seems to get in the way. Sheila wants to encourage women of all ages to find the time, just five minutes a day, to read the Bible and slowly absorb the words that will bring life. Sheila recalls the time she was admitted to a psychiatric hospital. She had struggled with depression for a good part of her life. During her time in the psych ward Sheila shares how she could not read lots of information, but she could read a verse each day and mediate on it. “There are some seasons of life in which you can only read one verse,” shares Sheila. When you meditate on God’s Word it creates a hunger for more time with Jesus.
Over the past twenty years, Sheila has spoken to millions of women. As she has encouraged them in their walk with the Lord she has discovered that many women feel guilty about not spending enough time with God. “God’s time is not like ours, and when we give Him our time, He can do more within us in five minutes than if we spend five hours on our own,” reveals Sheila. She says it is important to start a conversation with God that will continue throughout the day – a conversation that Jesus will use to encourage, guide, and strengthen us.
Sheila grew up on the west coast of Scotland by the coastal waters in the British Isles. She spent most of her summers exploring the rocks and caves along the coastline. Some of the treasures she discovered were shells, rubber ducks, and bits of broken colored glass. She would clean her treasures off and store them in a little brown suitcase under her bed. One day she found real treasure - an engagement ring! She turned it into the police station but no one claimed the ring so it was returned to her and she placed it in her suitcase. Years later, Sheila reflects on her discovery and appreciates how God has treasures for us if we will persevere in our search. “It’s easy to read a few Bible verses and think we are done for the day, but we miss so much when we don’t slow down, revisit our steps, and look for the treasure God always has for us in His Word.” Jesus is waiting to meet us in the pages of Scripture. “His jewels of peace, grace, and love are far more valuable than anything the world can offer,” shares Sheila.
Every morning Sheila turned the television on to watch the morning news and then make herself a cup of coffee. It was not a bad way to start the day, but she discovered a better way. “I realized that if the first thing I pay attention to is what’s happening in our world, those images and words impact my view of the rest of the day.” Now when she wakes up in the morning she quotes “Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have placed my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.” (Psalm 14:3-8) This new start to her day has had a huge impact of her life. She says this has become a great way to start her day. She also prays these simple words: “Good morning, Lord! I don’t know where you are going today, but wherever you’ve going, I’m coming with you!”
Sheila was baptized when she was sixteen years old in her Baptist church in Scotland. This verse was read as she entered the water: “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you. (John 15:16 ESV) She reflects on this verse whenever she has questioned her ability or the effectiveness of her ministry. “God chose me, He appointed me, and I can leave the rest to Him,” shares Sheila.
Many years ago, Sheila’s friend asked her to speak to a crowd of women. The thought of speaking to an audience terrified Sheila despite the fact that her background was singing and television. As a favor to her desperate friend in need, Sheila agreed. The event was much larger than Sheila had imagined. There were over one thousand women in attendance. As she stood at the podium she whispered to the Lord, “Under-catered!” He whispered back, “What do you have?” Sheila recalls the miracle in which Jesus fed the five thousand men (and who knows how many women and children) on a hillside. In the gospel of Mark, Jesus asked, “How much bread do you have?” All the disciples could see was what they needed; they missed seeing what they had. “What you and I have is never enough. But when we give what we have to Jesus, He blesses it, breaks it, and feeds His people.”
Sheila has been a featured speaker with Women of Faith for eighteen years. She has had the opportunity to speak to over 5 million women. She will join the Women of Faith team in select cities for the 2015 Loved: Farewell tour.