Steve Perrine: The New American Diet



Steve Perrine says not all traditional diet advice fits every body.  He says it is not just a simple calories-in, calories-out formula to lose weight.   Many people have tried various diets on the market yet still end up frustrated or losing weight temporarily only to put the weight back on. Perrine says the old American diet way of eating is a perfect recipe for weight gain.  He says your weight loss goals may be sabotaged by “healthy” foods that may not carry the fat-busting nutrients they claim. 

Perrine says his New American Diet is a plan based on the latest nutritional and scientific science and tested on 400 men and women. 

“If you want to lose weight for good,” says Perrine, “you need to understand obesogens.” Obesogens is a term that chemical researchers call chemicals that disrupt the function of our hormonal system leading to weight gain and many diseases.  These chemicals, which we may not realize we are consuming, could be from plastic pollutants, pesticides or artificial hormones fed to the animals in our food supply.  These chemicals mimic human hormones and alter the function of our genes.

In The Green Room

Go behind the scenes of Steve Perrine's appearance on The 700 Club. icon-video.gif


Many foods come in unhealthy packaging.  Plastic wraps have high levels of BPA and phthalates which are chemicals that mimic estrogen and can lead to obesity and diabetes.  Microwaveable foods expose us to flame retardant chemicals that have been linked to a variety of dieases.

Fish isn’t always the healthy choice.  Farmed salmon is fed corn and soy instead of natural foods.  The flesh of farmed salmon is white which shows a lack of nutrients.  Farmers add dye to make the fish palatable.

Corn syrup is the second or third ingredient in many foods.  High fructose corn syrup can cause a malfunction in leptin, the hormone that tells us when to stop eating.

Even chicken is under scrutiny.  Chickens are fed fatty corn and soy and given very little exercise today.  Previously they ate grass, seeds and grubs.  In 1971, the average chicken breast had 1/3 less fat and  more than twice the protein as today’s chicken breast.   Organic is not necessarily better but look for pasture raised chickens as opposed to farm raised.

As far as beverages go, bottled water is just filtered tap water.  Americans can save money and help the environment by filtering water at home.  Use a Brita or ZeroWater pitcher.  Diet sodas can actually cause weight gain.  Studies show that the risk of obesity goes up for every soda you drink in a day.  The risk of obesity goes up twice as much for every diet soda you drink.  Researchers believe it’s because the sweet flavor of diet soda tricks the body into expecting calories and causes a reaction in the brain that sends us looking for them.
Frozen vegetables are often more healthy than fresh.  They are picked at the height of ripeness and flash-frozen as opposed to fresh produce which is picked much earlier. 

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