Superbook’s Gizmo Travels To China

It’s one of the best ways to get the gospel across in any language or nation: animation!

“I think all kids love cartoons,” Liu Enqi shares.  “And when Bible stories show up in the form of cartoons, more people pay attention and know about God!”

And that’s precisely why CBN brought Superbook into China.

“It is easy to see how much media influences children in our culture,” Mrs. Ma says.  She teaches Sunday School in Beijing, and says it can often be a challenge to keep her students' attention. 

That quickly changed when she received Superbook. 

“What teachers say is just not as comprehensive as what the videos show.    And they are especially good for the younger children,” she adds.  “We know sometimes reading is boring for the kids, so strong visual animation brings a fresh perspective.”

Recently Mrs. Ma set up a Superbook party for her class, and she encouraged her students to invite their friends and their friends' parents. The topic was holidays, and the class watched “The First Christmas.” 

Xiao Ge is was there with her child. She claims, “This is my first contact with Christianity, so I watched very carefully.”

Liu Enqi shares how watching this episode of Superbook cleared up his misconceptions.  “I always thought Christmas was just a time to look at Christmas trees and to dream about Santa Claus bringing you gifts,” he says.  “But today I learned what Christmas is really about.”

Zhou Zixuan learned the same lesson, “ Now I know that Christmas is Jesus’ birthday.”

“After watching the animation here, almost every child can immediately tell you who Jesus is,” Mrs. Ma smiles.

Qiang chimes in, “He is the son of God!”

The party was such a success that Mrs. Ma can’t wait to throw another one to introduce even more people to Jesus.

“I follow the Superbook website and the new Superbook series,”  she shares.  “Whenever there are new episodes, I will be sure to show them to all of my kids.”

One of the little girls at the Superbook party speaks for all of her friends, “I cannot wait to watch more episodes of Superbook soon!”

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