The Sound of Future Worship

Sensere is going on a nationwide tour this summer in support of their successful debut album “The Soul of Future Worship: Volume 1.” As a result of their Faith Tour 2012 the group has seen lots of opportunities materialize. The lead single, “Got Jesus” debuted on Billboard’s Hot 100 and the music video for the song can be seen on BET, VH1 Soul, MTVU, etc. “God is really blessing our ministry by giving us an opportunity to go abroad to reach His people.”  The tour kicked off in Orlando and will end in Chicago, and was made possible in part to donations from their fans. “Our goal is to let people know who we are and what we are about,” shares James. In the past, they slept in their van at truck stops when necessary. “We know that God is in this and we will do whatever it takes to complete the mission God has for us,” says James.  Although they are a Christian band, they perform in a variety of different venues from churches, festivals and even nightclubs. The one thing that doesn’t change are their lyrics. God has opened up many opportunities for the group. James says, “No matter where we are performing, we ask God to work through us.” Their music seems to resonate with people from all walks of life.  One night they were staying at a truck stop and had the opportunity to minister to a lady who wanted to commit suicide. They told her about God’s love.

In 2003, James felt the desire to form a music group. He brought together a group of 12 great singers and musicians from South Florida.  James is a multi-talented musician.  He was worshipping in churches pastored by his parents.  Then the Lord gave him a vision to bring vibrant music back into the forefront of the church service which, he believed, would make the worship experience even more relatable and meaningful.   “Many people misunderstand what Christianity is all about,” shares James. Worship has no boundaries. God accepts all worship when it is done unto to Him.

He says, as with all visions and calls, there were some ups and downs.  Though he began with 12 members there was some shifting within the group over the years – members were coming and going.  “By 2009 the group got down to just three people – one band member, a singer, and myself,” James says.  He was sensing the Lord say that there would be a shifting in the group.  He committed it all to God and said, “God, do it.  Do what You need to do in us.”  After this challenging time “people just dropped into the picture.” The right people came at just the right time.  

Music veteran Eddie Pugh partnered with the group in 2008. Eddie had worked with Warner Bros, Casablanca Records & Film Work, and Columbia Records.  James said it was divine intervention that Eddie joined them. In 2009 Sensere’s new birth came when Brian Williams, Terrell Terry (vocals), and musicians Wildemayer Marcelin, Darrell Efford joined original members Dwayne Charlton (vocals) and Timothy Wimberly (bass).  “Each of these guys are accomplished vocalists and musicians and could be pursuing other careers,” James says, “But all of them had the same vision as me to trust God totally and put everything on the line regarding our mission.  We want to touch as many lives and spirits as possible and to minister to people’s minds and hearts.  Everyone believes in what we are doing and has a heart for Jesus.  This is not about fame.  It’s about hope and directing light to His people that He’s entrusting to us to deliver through song.”   James says at one venue, a man in the audience came up to say that he had given up on church.  After listening to them he wanted to get right with God and was going back. 

James says the most important part of the vision the Lord gave was “to go outside the walls of the church and bring people into the church.” They play the same music in the clubs as they do in the church.   They don’t change the lyrics or the music. “We’re not taking God out of anything,” he says.   

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