Waiting for God - When He’s Waiting for You

CBN.com —Vann Wilson took up golf a few years ago, and enjoys playing when he’s not working as a marketing consultant. But his career - and his game - suffered a major setback when he broke his hip. “I got up one morning and just fell to the floor. I had no warning that my hip was going to give me any trouble, and it went totally out.”

Vann needed a hip replacement, and back surgery. He was out of work for two years as he recuperated. “I’d just moved, gone through a divorce several years before that, and here I am with boxes in a little place, in a brand new neighborhood with not many friends. I really lost everything I had.”

Vann’s faith was strong, but time during his recovery wasn’t easy. He was on a sharply limited income until he was told he could take early retirement from his job. “It was really great to see God’s timing come on the exact month that I had to have something.”

As he healed, he read his Bible and watched TV. That’s when he saw a story on the 700 Club. “They were talking about how they gave their tithes. Their business was coming back around. They were putting things back together in their life again. And I said, ‘I’m going to do that.’”

Money was still tight, but Vann decided to join the 700 Club. “And that set the whole thing in motion. I was waiting on God, but God was waiting on me.”

A few days later, he got a call from a friend about a new business opportunity selling health and fitness products, and Vann could work from home. “It’s gone better and quicker than anything I’ve ever done. I believe the way that it worked, that it was God that did it.”

After a year at his new job, Vann got a call from his business partner. “He said, ‘Have you added up your volume? You did over $1 million business in a year.’ At one point we even had a product shortage. Now we’ve got 3 plants producing 24 hours a day. So they’re over half a year ahead of even their projections. They can’t keep up with it.”

Today, Vann’s is in the same business, and back on the links. He’s excited about his future.  “God has met my needs, and He’s done above that. If He’ll do it for you, He’ll do it for me. He’ll do it for everybody.”

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