What Less Hours of Work Can Do to a Family Budget

CBN.com -- Chris Price supports his wife and two children working as an auto technician.

“My job to me is very important,” says Chris. “I thank God every day that I have a job.”

But a recent cut in his hours has made it hard just to put food on the table. 

The family is finding creative ways to stretch their budget.  Chris walks two miles each way to and from work to save on gas. And they get food from CBN's Operation Blessing partner, Joseph’s Storehouse.

“If I didn’t have the food, I probably would have missed water or electric this month; just so I could buy the food for my family,” says Chris.

Bob Evans is the founder of Joseph’s Storehouse. He says helping families is a team effort.

“I don’t’ know what we’d do without Operation Blessing,” says Bob. “They’ve been such a blessing to us to bring in a variety of food.  We never know what we’re going to get, kind of like Christmas every once a month.”

“It puts food in our kitchen for us; and my wife and my kids and me are very, very grateful for that,” says Chris. “I’m glad to know that there’s other people out there trying to help the people who are trying to do the best for their family.”

CBN Partners provide practical help for families in need. This often opens hearts to receive the message of Christ. If you are not a partner, please join with us today. For a small investment of $20 a month, you can bring help and a message of hope to people throughout the world. Become a member today!

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