What You Can Expect God to Do

CBN.com —Jazz drummer Eric Thomas works a day job to make ends meet, but he’s passionate about his music and about giving to CBN.

“I’ve been watching the Club for awhile,” says Eric. “Seeing what they’re doing with the Operation Blessing relief for Hurricane Sandy, seeing how they truly are caring for people, I just want to be a part of that.”

Eric has always been a faithful tither, giving away ten percent of his income.

“I started to see some rewards coming back with tithing and more especially giving to The 700 Club,” says Eric.

Then, he was laid off from his sales job and struggled just to get by.

“I had no job and had to start donating plasma,” Eric recalls. “I was at a very low point in my life. For plasma you can only get like thirty dollars a session.”

Still, he wanted to keep on tithing.

“So I would take three dollars for tithe just for discipline’s sake and use the rest in terms of like putting gas in my car or something like that,” Eric says.

Just a few days after he made the decision to tithe, a friend at the Denver Performing Arts Center offered Eric a full-time gig playing drums for a musical production.    

“He told me it will be paying three grand a month,” Eric recalls,  “I really started to think about it. And I realized that God multiplied those dollars into being three thousand within an instant, just because I opened my heart to what He had for me.”

When the musical production ended, Eric was out of a job again.

“I really had to make it up in my mind that I needed to press on,” says Eric. “Despite my circumstances, despite my surroundings,” 

A few weeks later he heard of a job opening at Xerox.

“I applied for the position, the trainer liked me from the get go, just how I presented myself and just hired me right there on the spot. And it just elevated my faith even more,” Eric says, “God is my source. Whether it’s through prayer, whether it’s through giving your tithe. Expect, expect for God to move.”

Being obedient to God's truth made an incredible difference for Eric. Join him in partnering with CBN. You will make a difference in lives around the world, through medical missions, food and clothing programs, humanitarian outreaches and so much—all in the name of Jesus. Please join today.

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