Where to Turn When Jobs and People Fail You

CBN.com -Before 2006, Frank and Leslie Villarreal were thriving financially. Frank was an established stockbroker and Leslie was a motivated entrepreneur.

“I owned a very successful day spa,” says Leslie. “It was written up in Oprah and we developed a line of skin care that was in People Magazine. I actually had two spas.”
When she opened a third spa, Leslie made a large property investment.  But shortly after receiving the loan, Leslie’s profits began to drop dramatically. 

“Our finances were dwindling and we knew that something was really wrong with our business,” says Leslie. “Our client base was down. We had just opened a new location and had spent entirely too much money to do it.”

Leslie was forced to close her business, leaving the Villarreals with over $150,000 in debt. Around the same time, Frank saw a serious downturn in investment banking. Trying to recover from the loss, Frank began looking for better paying jobs.

“There were some very difficult financial markets,” says Frank. “We had a lot of debt as a result of us running that business and we were basically in the red for a good amount of time. Leslie and I were not going through a good time in our marriage at all. I think both of us where at a point where we have had it.”

 “We were bickering and arguing and there was a lot of animosity in our home,” agrees Leslie.
Through their difficult time, Leslie drew encouragement for her marriage, and finances, through one of her favorite television shows The 700 Club.

“I was noticing that they had several testimonies of people who had started tithing and noticed incredible change in their lives and their incomes and God had really done miracles for many people,” says Leslie.

Frank and Leslie made the decision to become 700 Club partners.
“So even though I had no income for my business and I was in debt, I started writing checks out to the 700 Club,” says Leslie. “And little by little there was more peace in our house, more love in our home, and more encouragement.”

Then, in 2009, Frank landed a new job. His signing bonus alone allowed the Villarreals to pay off all the debt from their business loss, and still have some left over.

“The Lord was going to use for His purpose and glory and He was going to reward it and he did,” says Leslie. “When we do tithe and continue to make offerings that God’s creates opportunities for us.”
Frank and Leslie are still CBN partners today. 

“I’m really grateful to be partnering with a ministry that has given me so much,” says Leslie. “It has given me so much support and encouragement. Give to the Lord what is His first, He’ll give you everything else and above and beyond He will provide for you.”


Being obedient to God's truth made an incredible difference for Frank and Leslie. They made it possible for God's love to flow through them to others, and they are reaping a blessing for themselve as well. Join Frank and Leslie in partnering with CBN. You will make a difference in lives around the world, through medical missions, food and clothing programs, humanitarian outreaches and so much—all in the name of Jesus. Please join today.

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