Women Helping Women Around the World

Janet is a former interior designer.  After she retired in 2004, she attended a 700 Club partner conference where she saw reports of women and children suffering around the world.  Janet cried out to God to show her a way she could make a difference.  She decided to make a pledge.  Janet wasn’t exactly sure how she would fulfill her pledge until she had a unique idea.  Janet had some decorative boxes that she loved with all of her heart.  “I’m supposed to sell those boxes,” she thought.  So she did.  The next day, Janet received an insurance check in the mail, totally unexpected.  Together, the check and the sale of those boxes fulfilled the amount of her pledge to the penny.  Janet shared this sacrificial giving concept to her church and The Widow’s Mite Experience was born.

Janet felt like she did not want to be associated with any particular religious group so she and the women involved started forming chapters in various states.  “We thought we would do a better job if we were all inclusive with all women,” says Janet.  Today they have chapters in Virginia, Indiana, North Carolina, Georgia and Colorado.  “We want to help women and children by taking clean drinking water and the Word around the world.”  She says there are very few people in the United States without the access to clean drinking water so many of the wells they fund are in impoverished countries.  There is a woman in North Carolina whose well was almost dry so Widow’s Mite Experience funded her well to be dug deeper as well as pay for the installation of a water softener.  The ministry usually helps with emergency disaster relief and provides water for disasters in the United States.  They have funded more than 1,000 wells in 27 countries. 


Usually the water sources in foreign countries is a long walk from the villages.  Many times, the women carry the heavy pots of water on their heads.  Janet says today, with the help of Operation Blessing, she helps fund water backpacks which help with the women’s posture.  “The women were having issues with their necks,” says Janet.  These new backpacks better distribute the weight of the water.

Janet also shares the source of Living Water with these women.  Recently they funded wells in Peru.  “In the village in the last six wells we funded, every single person has come to a saving knowledge of Jesus,” says Janet.  “There seems to be a real revival in Central America.”

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Guest Info


Founder, Widow’s Mite Experience, since 2004

Former interior designer


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