Displaying 12801 - 12816 of 13684

Pat Robertson continues his series on The Secret Kingdom with a teaching on The Laws of Fidelity and Change.

Can you explain the discerning of spirits? What is the difference between a dream and a vision? What are physic powers, is it always part of the...

Jack and Pam Hawver made a decision in 1978 to get their finances in order with an emphasis on giving to God. Through the years they have experienced...

Olga was Mexico’s superstar, but she got caught up in fame, drugs and drinking, costing her everything. In her darkest hour she reached out to God.

I am a Buddhist, why can't all religions just get along? Is there anything in the Bible against donating my eggs so others can have children? What...

A nice day fishing with friends turns into a test of survival in the Atlantic for Keith Kenerly and the incredible story of Ian Manseau who was born...

In today's In the Green Room segment, CeCe Winans tells us her favorite part of growing up in the famous Winans family, about a clothing line she's...

Award-winning CCM artist CeCe Winans joins us in the studio for an update on her career and the story of divine intervention in a harrowing car...

Why would God call us "Salt" if it is not good for us? Are pictures of Jesus "graven" images? Does the Ark of the Covenant or the holy grail have...

Robert Leon Davis used to be the law, but his crookedness put him on the run from the law for decades. Find out what brought him out of hiding and...

Trish was obsessed with being the perfect Christian, the perfect wife and the perfect mother. This improbably pursuit had devastating results on her...

Kathy and Rich both lost their jobs and the financial stress threatened their marriage. See how their faithfulness to God changed everything.

What should I do about my husband’s flirting with women? Is it a good idea to pray for patience? Is it wrong to choose not to have children?

Gordon Robertson and Terry Meeuwsen share answers to your prayers and pray for you.

Do Muslims hate religions other than Christians and Jews? Pat Robertson answers these questions and more.

Talk show host and best-selling author Dr. Laura Schlessinger looks at the importance of stay at home moms.


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