Displaying 145 - 160 of 636

Recently, CBN’s music team in the Philippines, Reverb Worship PH, released its third original song “2 AM Wide Awake.”

The 700 Club Canada, the Canadian version of The 700 Club, is reaching audiences daily on national TV with a mix of ministry, interviews, and...

In response to the negative restrictions of local children’s ministries from COVID 19 in Indonesia, CBN hosted a special talent festival event for...

In Russia, CBN continues to reach children in unreached areas through Superbook.

CBN’s weekly online Superbook online Sunday School program on YouTube continues to impact children and teachers in Cambodia.

Last month, CBN hosted a two-day virtual Superbook Sunday School teacher training in Myanmar.

CBN’s Superbook Bible App has reached a new milestone with 13 million downloads.

CBN continues to grow and develop our strategies using Superbook on YouTube to impact nations around the world including Brazil.

In Guatemala, Orphan's Promise is providing educational scholarships to young people, creating opportunities for them to pursue their dreams and...

CBN Global Update: October 18, 2021

CBN’s Helping the Homefront recently partnered with chaplains and churches to get Superbook Summer Gift Boxes into the hands of children of military...

CBN Global Update: October 4, 2021

CBN Global Update: September 20, 2021

CBN Global Update: September 13, 2021

Superbook and Operation Blessing in Costa Rica are giving hope to children by providing eye care to children in impoverished areas.

Even as India witnessed a brutal second COVID wave causing 4000 deaths daily, CBN’s India team provided an online Superbook Summer Camp to entertain...


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