Displaying 3713 - 3728 of 4627

On CBN Newswatch, Jan. 28: Iranian judge sentences US pastor to eight years, Senators unveil framework for immigration reform, and more.

On CBN Newswatch, Jan. 25: Thousands descend on Washington for March for Life; Obama recess appointments ruled unconstitutional; If the economy is...

On CBN Newswatch, Jan. 24: Is lifting ban on women in combat a good idea?; American pastor jailed in Iran may be missing; Kerry confirmation touches...

On CBN Newswatch, Jan. 23: Clinton grilled on U.S. consulate attack in Benghazi; Netanyahu wins Israeli elections but Left makes gains; American...

On CBN Newswatch, Jan. 22: Forty years later, abortion debate going strong; Clinton to face more questions in Algeria aftermath; DC church a model...

On CBN Newswatch, Jan. 21: Obama invokes MLK for second term agenda; Prayer plays an important role on Inaugural Day; Pomp, circumstance eclipses...

On CBN Newswatch, Jan. 18: Outcome of Algeria hostage rescue still unclear; Faith leaders: Praying for the president 'not optional'; Egyptian family...

On CBN Newswatch, Jan. 17: Some hostages killed in Algerian rescue raid; Executive orders set stage for gun control showdown; What exactly is an...

On CBN Newswatch, Jan. 16: Obama signs 23 executive orders on gun control; House clears $50 billion in Sandy aid; Proper permit process or government...

On CBN Newswatch, Jan. 15: Landmark rulings a mixed blessing for U.K. Christians; Obama could use executive actions on gun control; 'Matthew 25'...

On CBN Newswatch, Jan. 14: NRA says Congress won't pass assault weapons ban; Obama: Debt ceiling about paying America's bills; Graphic abortion signs...

On CBN Newswatch, Jan. 11: NRA throws down challenge to more gun control; Doctors struggle to keep up with flu epidemic; Naturopathy: A flu shot...

On CBN Newswatch, Jan 10: Biden closes in on specific gun control measures; Breaking down Israeli elections; Author explores Lincoln's faith, and...

On CBN Newswatch, Jan. 9: President weighing executive order on gun control; China relaxes censorship controls after protests; Could string of...

On CBN Newswatch, Jan. 8: African Christians face huge surge in persecution; Hugo Chavez death rumors fly; Gun sales shatter records amid more...

On CBN Newswatch, Jan. 7: Obama's Hagel pick in for tough fight over Israel record; Lawmakers face solving another fiscal crisis; Manuscripts...


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