Displaying 3889 - 3904 of 4631

On Monday's CBN Newswatch: Web of Laws Creating Hosts of 'Accidental Criminals,' Gibson’s Blues: Endless Laws Criminalizing Business, and more.

On Friday’s CBN Newswatch: Religious leaders send a strong message to Washington, the redemption behind America’s infamous Hatfield-McCoy family feud...

On Thursday's CBN Newswatch: The Facebook IPO fiasco and calls for new regulations, a look at day two of Egypt's election, USA Today claims the...

On Wednesday's CBN Newswatch: Senators investigate government waste, Christians worry amid Egypt's historical election, divorce lawyers say Facebook...

On Tuesday's CBN Newswatch: Concern that the U.S. will go bankrupt, criticism over President Obama's campaign ads, a popular prostate cancer...

Monday: The plan to withhold lawmakers' paychecks if no budget is passed, flesh-eating bacteria cases draw concern, religious broadcasters warn of...

On Friday’s CBN Newswatch: The U.S. increases pressure on Iran, a look at Facebook's first day of public trading, concern over a popular antibiotic,...

On Thursday's CBN Newswatch: What new population numbers mean for the election, why Christians should care about the G8 summit, a worldwide prayer...

On Wednesday's CBN Newswatch: Why authorities are more concerned of an attack on Iran, thousands gather to remember Chuck Colson, an explanation of...

On Tuesday's CBN Newswatch: Reaction to President Obama's same-sex marriage comments on "The View," debate over possibly banning gay conversion...

On Monday's CBN Newswatch: Mitt Romney’s message to evangelical voters, South Sudan Christians face ongoing violence from the North, one ministry’s...

On Friday's CBN Newswatch: President Obama riding a wave of gay rights support, biblical facts proven by a new archaeological dig, abortion groups...

On Thursday's CBN Newswatch: Reaction to President Obama’s support of gay marriage, women warned about the threat of Sharia law, the hunt for al...

On Wednesday's CBN Newswatch, President Obama endorses gay marriage, a key Tea Party defeat in Indiana, new developments following this week's foiled...

On Tuesday's CBN Newswatch: a new look at al Qaeda’s threat after a recent foiled attack, how Facebook is becoming the “go-to” place for radical...

On Monday's CBN Newswatch: Why the French election could have a global economic impact, Indiana Sen. Richard Lugar in a heated political battle, new...


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