Displaying 129 - 144 of 176

Are there certain foods or vitamins that can improve your mood? Pat Robertson answers this health question and more.

Jackie Halgash lost 100 pounds and her faith was the best part of her diet plan.

Pat Robertson answers the following Bring It On questions: Should I get hypnotized to lose weight? Is it true that men lose weight more easily than...

Dr. James E. Dowd explains the restorative powers of vitamin D and demonstrates healthy recipes in the kitchen with Kristi.

Should I exercise when I'm sick? Can perfume trigger illness? How do I set realistic weight loss goals? Will cold weather affect my lungs?

Food Network chef Ellie Krieger has a unique food plan to eat well and healthy in the new year.

Matt Goulding, author of "Eat This, Not That," demonstrates how to make smart fast-food choices.

I get tired in the afternoon. Could you suggest a remedy? Are potato chips really bad for you? Is bikram yoga OK? Any recommendations for a late-...

Got picky eaters? The Sneaky Chef gives recipes that will have your kids eating healthier without even knowing it.

As we learn more about MSG's impact - on obesity, the brain, the heart and even cancer - consumers wonder what to do. Gailon Totheroh helps guide us...

Our bodies are designed to operate on about 1,500 to 2,500 calories a day. But in today's society, that's not a lot of calories.

Fat to Skinny author Doug Varrieur talks about the diet that helped him lose 100 pounds.

Dr. Sears explains how the toxic fat cycle has caused our obesity epidemic and how you can reverse the condition for optimal health.

What exactly is alkaline water? How do I cut down on fat? Is it possible to get the same benefits of red wine from grape juice?

Author of Your Inner Skinny Joy Bauer shares tips on healthy, lasting weight loss.

He had Crohn's disease until he discovered a diet and exercise plan that healed his body.


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