The Water Man: Movie Review

Movie Info
GENRE: Drama/Action Adventure
RELEASE: May 7, 2021
STARRING: Rosario Dawson, Alfred Molina, David Oyelowo, Lonnie Charis, Jessica Oyelowo
DIRECTOR: David Oyelowo
STUDIO: RLJ Entertainment
THE WATER MAN follows a family going through hardships, but when the son finds out about a man with eternal life, he believes he can help his sick mother. THE WATER MAN has a Christian, moral worldview about hope and joy, with a Christian prayer in one scene and references to Heaven, but it does have some scary scenes that require caution for very young children.
Gunner is a very bright young man, who loves to read and do research. When his mother Mary gets sick, he longs to help and learn more about her disease. Gunner hears of a story about a man in the surrounding mountains that has eternal life, called the water man. Of course, Gunner wants to find out how to find the water man, so maybe he can help his mother in some way.
Sadly, though, Gunner and his father, Amos, are not connecting well, and in an attempt to help, Amos tells Gunner that they should go outside to play ball. Amos accidentally hits a bottle of ink and destroys the comic book Gunner’s been drawing.
Gunner decides he must take matters in his own hands and leaves his house without telling anyone. He meets up with Jo, a girl who had told him about the water man. Jo agrees she will take Gunner to meet the water man, if he pays her. So, the two head into the mountains to find the man with eternal life.
THE WATER MAN has a Christian, biblical worldview with conversations on Heaven and eternal life. The movie ends with a prayer. The family must learn to have hope in God even in the midst of tribulations. Another character has to learn that lying isn’t good and that helping other people will bring joy.
THE WATER MAN is a well-done movie that’s entertaining throughout. The movie has very good acting and a good script. THE WATER MAN has the adventure of the GOONIES, but adds the theological questions that a boy is asking due to his mother’s sickness. The movie does have some jeopardy, heavy themes and scary parts for very young children. THE WATER MAN also has some and light but very minimal foul language. So, MOVIEGUIDE® advises caution for younger children for THE WATER MAN.